Author Topic: Need some help!  (Read 2233 times)

Offline ReaperMaso

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Need some help!
« on: April 07, 2013, 05:10:32 PM »
Hi Guys I'm new to the boards Kinda I have been here in the past so sorry for the short introduction but I need some help a few days ago I bought a PS3 Slim 160 GB off some guy on Craigslist and the console work fine except for one part and that is It won't load my games when i first put in a few games they worked fine GTA4 being the game i played for the longest before it just froze went to a black screen and i had to turn my console off after that I tried a few other games and they would do the same exact thing until after a few times it just completely stoped loading the disks and not even showing the game/disc icon under games After further inspecting the PS3 i notice that it was missing the small flap to pervent dust from going into the Bluray disc drive I took a light to it and notice alot of dust so i went ahead and opened up the console to clean it out which i accomplished along with cleaning the drive before I did the drive i notice that it was opened up before by someone who previously had it and either they tried to do the same thing as me or they just swaped out BD drives.. now my real question is what are your thoughts on this and what's a reliable place to buy a new drive from ? so I can install it A fellow coworker of mine told me to call the guy i bought it from and demand my money back or a new ps3 or take him 2 court all of which i don't really want to do besides the system not reading discs it works perfectly fine so I would rather just spend a few more bucks and get a new drive

Offline Rodent

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 05:31:20 PM »
1st thing is , Craiglist is a buyers beware , you buy at your own risk. just as if you wen to a garage sale or anything else. and it was working , it just so happened to  quit while you were playing it.

personally if you take it apart and clean it, your probably just need a new laser, reason for the black screen it started to load the game then just stopped , and from the sound of it sounds like you bought a console that has been repaired or someone has like you said took it apart ... take some pics if you can , I might be able to help.  or others might be able to help you. or upload a video of what it is doing.  Ebay is the cheapest to get parts.

Also ;) welcome to Acidmods!!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 05:32:04 PM by Rodent »

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Offline ReaperMaso

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 05:56:05 PM »
yeah that's what i told my coworker lol but he said it doesnt matter XD I honestly don't care that much i only payed 150 for the system so spending a few more on a new drive Doesn't bother me ? and it just doesn't load the disc  it spins it around a bit and the clock in the corner of the XMB spins around a bit than just stops and goes back to the normal clock and i was just thinking of buying a new drive instead of a laser so i can just pop it in there instead of taking the drive apart and installing a new laser I looked on ebay and there's a bunch of them are they all or at least most the same as the ones in the ps3 or are they some off brand ones that suck

Offline Rodent

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2013, 06:08:13 PM »
Well you just cant buy a new drive and put it in there,  There are different types and the Motherboard of the drive has to stay with the console as you will find out  from previous post on here.

 The blu-ray drive is married to the Motherboard, (keyed with the Motherboard) needs to be matched just as a Xbox 360 dvd drive is keyed specifically to each console.  there for you have to do some research on the motherboards and type of blu-ray drive you have in the console. if someone changed it that could be a major problem already. "You did say though it Played games when you first got it" so there for i think the laser is just going bad and if your going to replace it you might as well replace the whole dock it sits in due to how dirty you said it was. being that if the laser is bad i am sure all the components that work the laser are pretty worn also.  I have replaced a few myself , actually takes longer to take the console apart and the dvd drive apart then it does to replace what is wrong with it,

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline ReaperMaso

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2013, 06:32:28 PM »
Yeah I looked into this last night and I guess for the PS3 Model I have I don't need to swap out PCBs I can just install a new Drive in and I know what Drive I Need according to my consoles model number but here's a video I took a few minutes ago on what my consoles doing

PS3 Disc Drive Problem

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2013, 08:29:11 PM »
cech series ps3 slims that end in 2501a etc have the blu ray board built in meaning you can swap any drive in since the console info is stored on the mobo itself
you can find the cech model number on the back sticker
i got an extra one if you need one and yes by it freezing up means the drive is failing
and yes craigslist is a gamble
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 08:30:36 PM by 3D0 »
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$

Offline ReaperMaso

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2013, 06:10:06 PM »
how much are you looking for the drive ?

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2013, 05:48:11 AM »
50 usd shipped only take payment via paypal
will include priority mail 2 to 3 days and tracking
there is a link to all the transaction ive made with fellow members

and if you want to be sure pm me a pic with the connectors i have a bd pulled from a 2501a will work also on 3xxx series  etc
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$

Offline ReaperMaso

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2013, 07:27:00 AM »
sounds good ! and my system is a 2501a

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Need some help!
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2013, 07:59:27 AM »
feel free to pm me if you wanna get a drive
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$


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