Author Topic: Pandorica Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath (Open-Source hex)  (Read 4902 times)

Offline mcuff1

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Pandorica Rapid Fire
April 8, 2013
1.   Project Background and Description
The goal of this code was to develop a customized rapid fire controller with other functions such as sniper breath, quick scope, drop shot, and akimbo. It should also be versatile and allow the shots per second to be programmable. It should require no external drilling and/or modifications to the current state of the original shell. It should be open-source because knowledge should be free flowing. It is written in Basic and developed using PICBASIC PRO.
2.   Project Scope
The code for this was developed for a PIC 12F683. Thank you Hazer, whoever you are for providing electrical documentation and research on the mechanics of the controller via ( Your hard work and dedication to this document was far more useful than you will ever know. This was developed and designed SPECIFICALLY for the CG/CG2 Xbox 360 Controller. A wiring diagram will be provided in the .zip file.
3.   Operation Instructions
There are four modes currently in the code. There is one extra pin (which was previously used for drop shot) for one more additional mod available for future updates/requests. I am open to new ideas and/ or fixes for bugs.

Mode 1: OFF
Mode 2: Rapid fire (programmable)
Mode 3: Akimbo (programmable)
Mode 4: Sniper Breath (automatically holds breath for sniper which eliminates movement of left stick)

To switch between each mode press the SYNC button.

Programming Mode:
-Hold LT then press the SYNC button. The LED will display the current shots per second which is hard coded to 10 to start.
-Press LT to decrease the shots per second by one and press RT to increase the shots per second by one. The LED indicator will blink for each press of LT or RT to indicate a button press.
-The shots per second start at 10 for single rapid fire and 18 for akimbo rapid fire
-Because the pic goes into sleep mode when the controller is off it will save the previous speed settings
unless the battery's are removed.
-Press the SYNC button to save and exit programming mode.
-The selected shots per second will then be displayed with the LED and will then return to the mode you were in.

All documentation, information, and code needed are in the zip file.


For suggestions on how the unused pin should be implemented please post suggestions below.

-Pic goes into sleep mode when controller is off
-Akimbo mode is now programmable (initialized to 18 shots per second)

Thank you,
Matt Cuff
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 10:08:48 PM by mcuff1 »

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Re: New Open-Source Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2013, 01:09:47 PM »

 Thank you Hazer, whoever you are for providing electrical documentation and research on the mechanics of the controller via (

LOL I am sure he will respond here.

Offline mcuff1

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Re: New Open-Source Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 01:22:48 PM »
I was hoping for some form of a positive response. I've seen quite the aggression from him on other posts similar to this one. I wonder why he used asm instead of basic?

Offline Bigandrewgold

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Re: New Open-Source Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 07:21:33 PM »
I was hoping for some form of a positive response. I've seen quite the aggression from him on other posts similar to this one. I wonder why he used asm instead of basic?
what are you using to compile your code?

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Re: New Open-Source Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 08:05:29 PM »
Your welcome, I am glad that information was useful. Alot of people have simply claimed my work as their own, or belittled my work to make theirs appear better. Thank you for giving me recognition.

As for ASM, I am just one of those people. I understand the hardware far better, and ASM is direct control. The more complicated the projects I design, I end up using every byte of the chip possible. By writing in ASM, I can troubleshoot easier, simulate major changes without having to test using the chip, optimize speed or space as needed, and basically take advantage of hardware interrupts while creating the ability to multi-task in an 8-bit chip.

For instance, I am currently creating a hobby servo motor controller connected to the PC via USB using the flagship 18F14K50. I am using one of the Timer interrupts as highest priority, the USB as secondary priority, and the main code does all the grunt work, but only when flagged by to do so by the interrupts. I want the USB to be ultra-stable, but I also dont want to sacrifice the servo output pulses stability at the same time. The outputs will switch only once each output timer is done. The hardware does the work without code. The USB interrupt is tolerant enough to have an occasional interrupt occur as long as that routine only takes a dozen or so cycles. The timer interupt creates each pulse in turn, and once each servo gets its timed pulse, a dwell is programmed to occur before starting the next set of servo pulses. During this dwell, the main code begins doing all of the math and decision making and manipulation of program memory. Especially since it is bad code to manipulate stored values when there's a chance an interrupt could happen right in the middle of calculating the next value.

Using basic or C makes this code manipulation much harder as the handling of values indirectly can have adverse effects that are very difficult to troubleshoot, Also, all languages get decoded back to ASM, and not very efficiently. Sometimes the finesse of working in machine language makes a code more stable.

The bad thing is constantly rewriting code from scratch on every project.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

Offline mcuff1

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Re: New Open-Source Rapid Fire w/ Akimbo, Sniper Breath
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 09:22:42 PM »
@Bigandrewgold I used the trial version of PICBASIC PRO. ([/url]).

@Hazer I could not agree with you more Basic and C have no form of access control which is why my preferred language is C++. Object oriented programming is so much easier to handle large programs and control what has access to specific values. I was considering messing with some servos for a project idea I had but honestly I will probably be using an Arduino. As far as debugging I have a knock off k150 pic programmer and an xbox controller wired to a breadboard. So its a really slow process I had to start from scratch on 3 different occasions. I have very little experience with a PIC. I understand C++ way better than hardware. Judging by the document you put online you definitely have a talent for detail. To be honest you didn't even put your name on the work I just assumed it was you because at the end of it you placed links for all of your Rapid fire versions.



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