Author Topic: Old school back with a 360 slim. Lost touch with mods and flash need help  (Read 107639 times)

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Problem I am not getting any activation light on the readout only in power. I also notice with the Micro SD to SD adapter for the card reader I get power for 5 minute then it shut off till I pull it out and push it back in. In jrunner when using a micro SD to USB adapter it reads out as "Physical drive 1" but with 0Mb even if the micro SD adapter is out of the USB unit. I thought it was because I was on my HP laptop with windows 8 x64. But I tried it on my Windows7 x64 desktop with the same issue. I have a built in card reader with micro SD slot. I got the card reader from eBay for under $15.

it will still dump the nand even though it says 0mb, just press continue when it says its not the normal size. When I did mine it showed 0mb aswell, then put the NAND as the source file and j-runner will verify its ok.

the console shouldnt boot when you have the switch set to R/W, if it does theres something wrong with your soldering

Offline The End of A Heartache

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it will still dump the nand even though it says 0mb, just press continue when it says its not the normal size. When I did mine it showed 0mb aswell, then put the NAND as the source file and j-runner will verify its ok.

the console shouldnt boot when you have the switch set to R/W, if it does theres something wrong with your soldering

Actually I am a total noob LMAO I figured it out and yes It is finally reading it picked up with 3.6Mb on physical drive 1 I'll post picture soon.

The answer to problem was in Gizmo video It was a simple overlook thing. In the video toward 12 minute in you notice he adds the power to the board but never power it on... Yes I have overlooked that which wasn't giving full power to the CR and corona 4gb QSB. I will admit I am an idiot for not checking. But I got solid green no flashing and it is reading properly now :) Like I said I will  post picture as soon as I can.

Gizmo thank you I am putting the  jrprogrammer on hold until I see that I will need it. As is so far I am finally getting some read out doing 4 dumps and will do 4 x 4 dumps. I'll match it all up and find the proper key.

huy...... the only main difference between the trinity and corona boards is the nand chip and the hana chip. trinity has both the normal 16mb and hana chip. the corona has the variation in nand chips as well as the normal 16mb chip. also the corona does not have the hana chip. other than that and the missing post out traces, the install points should be the same.

stop trying to figure out the which point belongs to which for the nand-x or jrp. you need the 4gb r/w kit for the 4 gb corona.

also the reason you are not seeing the glitch(green) light blinking, its simple. you dont have the coolrunner programmed with the timing files. as is without programming it, it is blank. thats why theres only a red light.
check r2c10 and make sure there is a resistor there, if not, bridge it.

the r/w kit is picky on which card reader you use. you have to try out as many as you need until you find one that works.
Also, do not write the ecc to the console until you can confirm you have a complete nand dump of your console.

Yes It was being picky but my built in card reader with MicroSD slot picked up the card without a problem now that I connected the power brick to the board.

I have the resistor on R2C10

I got a solid green light but no blinks I am doing dumps and the file size is 3.6Gb I am doing 4 dumps now and will do another 4.

File is under "NANDDUMPx.BIN" (x is the number sequence)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 07:46:52 PM by The End of A Heartache »
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Offline The End of A Heartache

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Okie so the image I promised

Looking at the video Gizmo posted I notice the good sir in the video connecting power to the board without turning it on

The result shows CR finally reading with good power

Picture of my PC front card reader with Micro SD slot (Card reader bought on eBay)

So now running Jrunner the program shows Physical drive (1) with 3648Mb read out

It took 3:59 Minute to do 4 dumps

The result saying .Bin 1 to be the same as 2, 3 and 4 each time.

Not sure if the information is right or what else I have to do

Btw I am not getting any flash on the Green LED just solid all the way through.

Also is there another alternative to tap for ground? I used the shield guard over the AV which Rodent and Jrunner say to solder. Had a hard time so I taped it down and now it disconnects every now and then especially on the first dump which took 3:57 minute to dump.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 08:32:02 PM by The End of A Heartache »
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Offline Rodent

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once you have the nand dumps you can write the ecc and then get the CPU KEY . then you can create your image and write the nand ... your work looks really good. great job for your first time!

make sure you reinstall the CPU/GPU heatsync and the fan before powering it up. due to it will get hot fast. could be why its not glitching.  double check all your work. from pics it looks correct.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 06:30:56 AM by Rodent »

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Makes me want to  try it. Nice work

Offline The End of A Heartache

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once you have the nand dumps you can write the ecc and then get the CPU KEY . then you can create your image and write the nand ... your work looks really good. great job for your first time!

make sure you reinstall the CPU/GPU heatsync and the fan before powering it up. due to it will get hot fast. could be why its not glitching.  double check all your work. from pics it looks correct.

Thank you rodent the right tools does the great job for sure :)

So this is my first time working with jrunner lol I am used to flashing and using jungleflasher haha

So now that I have the Dump

I can write the Ecc but no Idea how to do that hahahahaha I am a noob with this first time :)

No you don't power it up somehow its using the brick to power the CR.  I think by using the standby as a power source so the 3v3 is connected right which means F and E is also (Sorry Gizmo 

Anyways I kept an eye on the APU and I had my hand over it feeling it making sure it doesn't heat up, but It was cold as ice the entire time it was dumping.

Makes me want to  try it. Nice work

You should :) got great help from Rodent and Gizmo very awesome help
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Offline Gizmo613

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So How Did You flash The Corona Timing TO The Coolrunner? You Cant Expect The Coolrunner To Glitch If You Dont Flash The Timing Files.

As For Wrting The Ecc, Load Up The Nanddump.Bin Into The Source Box  Then The Write Ecc Should Have An Asterisk On It. Just Click Write Ecc And Choose Your Motherboard Version. Takes Like 20Sec. Again U.til You Flash The Coolrunner With The Correct Timing Files, The Coolrunner Wont Glitch.

Offline ViSioNXx

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If I am not mistaken, He is only trying to get the cpu key files for the xkey. If I was following this post right....  Anyways if this is so and you have the dumps then you are almost their. Just need to get into xex and get the key.

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Correct His Is Trying To Get His Cpu Key. But He Needs To Prgram His Coolrunner To Get It To Glitch Boot Into XelL. If Theres IsA Way To Glitch Without A Glitch Board, Let Me know.

Offline ViSioNXx

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Correct His Is Trying To Get His Cpu Key. But He Needs To Prgram His Coolrunner To Get It To Glitch Boot Into XelL. If Theres IsA Way To Glitch Without A Glitch Board, Let Me know.

I didnt mean to make it sound like I was insulting anyone. I am aware it needs to glitch into xex. I have just been following this thread and it seemed like it was going into a full rgh install. My bad I will remain in the shadows and shut up..

Offline Rodent

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If I am not mistaken, He is only trying to get the cpu key files for the xkey. If I was following this post right....  Anyways if this is so and you have the dumps then you are almost their. Just need to get into xex and get the key.

that is what he is trying to do .. Just for futher information,  on the 15574 dashboards and up you can not just boot in to xell and get the dvd key.   it changed on RGH2 . so there for you have to do the full rgh install to get the cpu key its alot of work and if your going to go that far to install all that just for the  xkey your better off dual nanding the console :) 

always good to ask questions , no question is a stupid question. :)

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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wasnt trying to sound insulting, its just when im on my phone, it auto cap the first letter of every word.

it would have been the cheaper route if he had paid someone else to grab the keys. but from my understanding, he is trying to do this himself for learning experience. lol he picked a tough console to learn on as well.
but yeah, you have to do the full rgh install if you want the dvd keys from certain dvd boards. the dvd key is stored on the nand itself for dvd boards dg5s and hitachi dln500. so the cpu key is needed to decrypt and extract the key from the nand files.

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wasnt trying to sound insulting, its just when im on my phone, it auto cap the first letter of every word.

it would have been the cheaper route if he had paid someone else to grab the keys. but from my understanding, he is trying to do this himself for learning experience. lol he picked a tough console to learn on as well.
but yeah, you have to do the full rgh install if you want the dvd keys from certain dvd boards. the dvd key is stored on the nand itself for dvd boards dg5s and hitachi dln500. so the cpu key is needed to decrypt and extract the key from the nand files.
should of went dual nand   :rofl: , and yes he is learning so good thing to learn :)

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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dual nand not possible on the v4 corona yet.

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dual nand not possible on the v4 corona yet.
yea i know he could of got a trinity off me though for half the cost and dual nand , gave him a great deal :D

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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forgot you offer him a good deal  :hifive:

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yes i did  :hifive:

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.
~Bruce Lee

Which is better to go with NAND X or JrProgrammer I just read through and I know you guys are right I will still need to program the CR to glitch to xell and extract the key.

I am putting the xkey aside since I've notice you can not pay for one with Paypal lol issue but hay learning process.

Thanks rodent I know you gave me a great deal but I prefer to keep what I have learn from it maybe make a tutorial with your guys help I see other with the same board type with the same want for Xkey and no one can honestly give them a good answer as to What they need to do.
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Offline Gizmo613

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you can do a little more with the jr programmer. like programming the sonus. also if you get the jrp v2, you will get the rater feature that works with the cr3pro and the new r-jtag. fine tunning for faster boots.

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you can do a little more with the jr programmer. like programming the sonus. also if you get the jrp v2, you will get the rater feature that works with the cr3pro and the new r-jtag. fine tunning for faster boots.

I saw that the JrP ver 1 is stock out so I will go with version 2. I was reading feature and they say it boots faster than NANDx. I also like that I can do the programming for the Sonus which I am considering to buy lol wouldn't mind a costume sound on my system.
So I will go with that :) unless someone else has a better valid reason to go with NANDx
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nand x is about 20-30 sec faster than jrp v2. but it cost a bit more. but its up to you on what you want to get.

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buy both just incase  cause one you will want the nand x for BB jaspers,  you will also want the jr programmer for other things like the sonus and just incase you fry your nand x i know its happened to me,

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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Lets get some more pics in here!! I want to see the current state.

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scroll up vision, he edited his post rather than make a new post. and thanks for the vouch

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scroll up vision, he edited his post rather than make a new post. and thanks for the vouch

I seen those.  No problem.

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nand x is about 20-30 sec faster than jrp v2. but it cost a bit more. but its up to you on what you want to get.

Hmmm okie

buy both just incase  cause one you will want the nand x for BB jaspers,  you will also want the jr programmer for other things like the sonus and just incase you fry your nand x i know its happened to me,

Ahh so might have to get two just in case. I think Ill go for Jrp for now and if anything Ill get NANDx since I might want to mod my sound setting.

Lets get some more pics in here!! I want to see the current state.

Lol i'll post new update as I get some going. Right now I have some cash flow issue so I am budgeting. Friend came back to town so I am out for the night going to catch up have some bro time drink a little :beer:

I am going to get the JrP for next week and if anything happens Ill have some spare cash for the NANDx

Next step is to program the CR so i can boot to xell?

Got to create an Ecc file and flash the CR with it??

Sorry if I am forgetting my steps I am new to this lol :) practicing in my head so when it time I can do this in one step.

I am also doing the shell mod on another Thread, Need to buy Neon orange paint.
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flash the coolrunner with the corona timing files. making sure to move the coolrunner switch from nor to prog.  try file c first as people have better luck with it. also load the orignal nand into the source box and jrunner will detect the dash version on it and grey out the create ecc button. it will put an asterisk on the write ecc button. click that and choose your motherboard version. it'll write the correct ecc for you. then you would boot up your console and wait for xell to load. 

i believe you would have to connect the slim corona to your router with the eternet cord. but i not too sure if the new ecc will allow the corona to boot to xell on the hdmi port. i could be wrong on that part.

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Thanks gizmo :) always a life saver

Okie so I went with Jr programmer v2 I have enough cash just incase I need to get NANDx

So switch CR to Prog.

Flash CR with corona timing file (Use C file since it has a better luck working)

load NAND file to detect dash version (it will grey out "create Ecc")

Write the Ecc file (choosing proper MB)

Once everything done right I detach and boot as normal and wait for xell

Oh hmmm My router is on the other side of the house a wall over. Well I can bridge my wireless with tether on my desktop I used to do that when I had the old phat work perfectly without a problem.

Oh hmm well just incase I'll run the MB through Scart (RCA) Since my TV support 4 format of connection.

In either case i will have a camera on standby no flash and low lighting with stabilizer enable and a notepad.

Question is what is it I need to look for or take a shot at? First time doing this lol Don't want to :censored: up the first time haha
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coronas might have to use Nand X update cable,  idk if you have one of those. most read the key with com port
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 06:20:17 PM by Rodent »

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Its The Nand X Usb Update Cable That He Might Need. Other Wise He Can Hust Make One Out Of A Spare Usb Cable I Believe. Also When Xells Boots, It Literally Says Cpu Key, Dvd Keys.


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