Author Topic: PSP GO proprietary connector messed up. Help?  (Read 15082 times)

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PSP GO proprietary connector messed up. Help?
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:31:24 AM »
Went to charge my psp go via the ac charger. Plugged it in, and the orange light didnt come up. Next thing I know, my sound is disabled (muted, but the volume symbol is grey as opposed to white). Im assuming something happened with the proprietary connector. Is there aynway to diagnose this and or fix it?

EDIT, plugged in my proprietary remote fixture (for the headphones, aka you can play pause etc) and the volume issue dissapeared, however it still will not charge. Is there a way to do automatic USB charging like on the psp 1000 with a quick and dirty 1 wire method? lol whoops, no USB on this bad boy.... hmmmm what is the issue. Not trying to buy a battery if thats not the fix. Thoughts?

Or is the lack of charging a telltale sign of a bad battery? (batt works currently, been putting MAD usage onto it as of late though, constantly charging it etc etc)

ok after reading around, I guess the charge fuse is my best bet. Is there anyway to visually tell if it has been blown? Also, is there any disadvantage to bridging this fuse?

EDIT:, after further troubleshooting....ive determined that the proprietary plug is messed up. It no longer connects via USB and the proprietary plug remote control dohicky will play sound through earbuds connected, BUT none of the controls work. Is there someway I can narrow down which pins are bent/out of place? Or is it more likely a short that has caused this issue....

UPDATE: Now the remote control works 100%. I can't seem to make the problem show up again. Wiggling the connector doesnt do anything. The main problem is that the system will not charge or recognize when It is connected to a PC. Any thoughts? From what I can see, the pins appear to be intact

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 09:56:22 AM by Rodent »

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Re: PSP GO proprietary connector messed up. Help?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2013, 07:04:39 AM »
4th picture point 2 that's the charge fuse,40299.0.html

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Re: PSP GO proprietary connector messed up. Help?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2013, 05:47:36 PM »
Went to charge my psp go via the ac charger. Plugged it in, and the orange light didnt come up. Next thing I know, my sound is disabled (muted, but the volume symbol is grey as opposed to white). Im assuming something happened with the proprietary connector. Is there aynway to diagnose this and or fix it?

EDIT, plugged in my proprietary remote fixture (for the headphones, aka you can play pause etc) and the volume issue dissapeared, however it still will not charge. Is there a way to do automatic USB charging like on the psp 1000 with a quick and dirty 1 wire method? lol whoops, no USB on this bad boy.... hmmmm what is the issue. Not trying to buy a battery if thats not the fix. Thoughts?

Or is the lack of charging a telltale sign of a bad battery? (batt works currently, been putting MAD usage onto it as of late though, constantly charging it etc etc)

ok after reading around, I guess the charge fuse is my best bet. Is there anyway to visually tell if it has been blown? Also, is there any disadvantage to bridging this fuse?

EDIT:, after further troubleshooting....ive determined that the proprietary plug is messed up. It no longer connects via USB and the proprietary plug remote control dohicky will play sound through earbuds connected, BUT none of the controls work. Is there someway I can narrow down which pins are bent/out of place? Or is it more likely a short that has caused this issue....

UPDATE: Now the remote control works 100%. I can't seem to make the problem show up again. Wiggling the connector doesnt do anything. The main problem is that the system will not charge or recognize when It is connected to a PC. Any thoughts? From what I can see, the pins appear to be intact

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I'm 95% sure that a fuse or two is blown. Search on here or google "PSP Go Fuses" and see where they are located. Bridging the fuse won't damage your PSP so you got nothing to worry about. I've never been able to visibly tell if a fuse on a PSP has broken before, they usually look fine even though they're still damaged.


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