Author Topic: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!  (Read 22697 times)

Offline crowpath

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Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« on: June 23, 2013, 12:45:03 PM »
Hello everyone! I decided to make my own thread since I have thoroughly read every thread about the topic at hand from different threads in this Psp Go section. But I have only gotten different pieces of information from some threads and decided to compile it together and get some help. From what I read though you all seem really intellectual about modding the Psp Go! and I know I came to the right place to ask for help :dribble:

Sound Reactive Mod

Here I know how and where to solder the led and wires to do the sound reactive mod based on this picture I found. but do i need any resistors or anything else to make this fully work? and which resistor would I need. I have done a mod in a Psp 1000 with 2 (3mm leds) One led for each trigger and no resistor.. so I'm pretty knowledgeable about leds and the soldering process. :victory:

Now.. The really hard part..   :fear: :faint:

Wlan Switch Mod

This is a picture I found that I'm really trying to understand! I do understand that bridging the point from the blue highlights will allow the wifi to always remain turned on and the function of the switch for the wifi will not function anylonger.. making it only work for the on and off functions of the led when connected?

But I don't know what I'm supposed to do after briding the blue highlights.. Where do I solder the negative and positive end of the wire connected to the led? and do I need an resistor for this wlan mod?

If you can help me with this.. I would be eternally grateful people :beg: :yess:


If I can get enough help, I would try to make a tutorial/guide for other people to make it easier. :tup:

Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 05:48:35 PM »
Anyone here :confused:

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 05:56:11 PM »
what part dont you get?
grab some 30awg wire and bridge the blue points so wifi is always on
and attach the neg side of your leds to the red point

and your dead on about the sound reactive you have to figure out if your gonna use smd or 3mm leds etc then you can calculate if you need resistors or not
more than likely you will
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 05:57:19 PM by 3D0kassiah »
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2013, 06:04:04 PM »
Thank you for replying  :yess:

Okay, I attach the negative side of the wire to the red pin out in the photo.. but what about the positive side of the led? I wouldn't need to connect any Positive side to the Wlan switch?

Also :confused:

Would I need any resistors for the Wlan switch? I only plan on using 2 0603 blue leds with that mod.

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2013, 06:08:16 PM »
Thank you for replying  :yess:

Okay, I attach the negative side of the wire to the red pin out in the photo.. but what about the positive side of the led? I wouldn't need to connect any Positive side to the Wlan switch?

Also :confused:

Would I need any resistors for the Wlan switch? I only plan on using 2 0603 blue leds with that mod.

you grab power from somewhere else on the board and no because theres no power going through the switch thats exactly what it is a switch
and you would only need resistors for the leds not the switch you need to figure how much power your gonna work with then figure how much power you need for your leds then calculate how much resistance you need if needed
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2013, 06:14:35 PM »
you grab power from somewhere else on the board and no because theres no power going through the switch thats exactly what it is a switch
and you would only need resistors for the leds not the switch you need to figure how much power your gonna work with then figure how much power you need for your leds then calculate how much resistance you need if needed

That's the problem I'm facing :dntknw: I don't know where on the board I should solder the positive wire to that has power? I think I need a pin out or something to see where exactly on the mother board I can solder to. Also.. Would you happen to know what resistor I would need for the leds I'm using?

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2013, 06:23:23 PM »
That's the problem I'm facing :dntknw: I don't know where on the board I should solder the positive wire to that has power? I think I need a pin out or something to see where exactly on the mother board I can solder to. Also.. Would you happen to know what resistor I would need for the leds I'm using?

suggest you try and figure something out also we can't do everything for you
and no i dont know what resistor you would need due to i dont know any specifications every led is diff hell just because there the same size not all led have the same values etc
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2013, 06:32:51 PM »
suggest you try and figure something out also we can't do everything for you
and no i dont know what resistor you would need due to i dont know any specifications every led is diff hell just because there the same size not all led have the same values etc

Just asking for help ahaha :laughing: But thank you for the help and clarifying some things I had trouble understanding.

To be honest i can't understand a thing on the webpage of your link :faint:

But.. I discovered this..

But I'm not sure if I can solder the positive wire to one of the fuses this guy pointed out to on the mother board. :confused:

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2013, 06:42:38 PM »
Just asking for help ahaha :laughing: But thank you for the help and clarifying some things I had trouble understanding.

To be honest i can't understand a thing on the webpage of your link :faint:

But.. I discovered this..

But I'm not sure if I can solder the positive wire to one of the fuses this guy pointed out to on the mother board. :confused:

ummm no keep looking you dont wanna mess with those fuses
try using the search button buddy
theres a cap right on top of the memory card reader on the left side you can grab power you can test using a multimeter you can use a cheapo one since its not alot of V
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 06:47:46 PM by 3D0kassiah »
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2013, 06:57:38 PM »
ummm no keep looking you dont wanna mess with those fuses
try using the search button buddy
theres a cap right on top of the memory card reader on the left side you can grab power you can test using a multimeter you can use a cheapo one since its not alot of V

 :huh: I didn't even see that while reading that thread in your link haha :clap:

So the small Pink (salomon) color dot next to the D-Pad in the photo would be the point where I would solder my positive side of the wire :yess:

Tell me I'm right :tup:

I don't have a Multimeter but i shall purchase one on Ebay now.

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2013, 06:59:35 PM »
:huh: I didn't even see that while reading that thread in your link haha :clap:

So the small Pink (salomon) color dot next to the D-Pad in the photo would be the point where I would solder my positive side of the wire :yess:

Tell me I'm right :tup:

I don't have a Multimeter but i shall purchase one on Ebay now.

yes my bad i was thinking of something else trying to do a few things at once here lol
yes use the right side of the cap near the dpad its had a red mark in the pic
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2013, 07:05:47 PM »
yes my bad i was thinking of something else trying to do a few things at once here lol
yes use the right side of the cap near the dpad its had a red mark in the pic

Alright :hifive:

Thanks for confirming it  :clap: I shall test this out soon  :cool:

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2013, 07:11:50 PM »
Alright :hifive:

Thanks for confirming it  :clap: I shall test this out soon  :cool:

just figure out your resistor issue using smd leds is a bit tricky when figuring that out
good luck with your project
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Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2013, 07:24:00 PM »
just figure out your resistor issue using smd leds is a bit tricky when figuring that out
good luck with your project

Yeah :fear: I'm clueless about resistors.. I haven't used them before.. I guess I will need to do some more research about it.

Thanks for all of the help though! :hifive:

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2013, 09:19:14 PM »
Can anyone confirm if I would need resistors using Blue 0603 leds :confused:

I'm reading from different sources online that I don't need it and that I also do need it if I want to keep  it as a safety measure for longer usage of the led?

Also :confused:

Which wiring schematic should I use :confused: I would like someone to tell me which is the better one from parallel or series :dntknw: including a Diagram showing both would be awesome :tup:

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2013, 05:41:53 AM »
never worked on a go....but

wire it just like you have drawn it. then cut your negative wires all in half, where you made your cut, you now have two wires one end attached to the led and the other to the speaker pad..... now solder the wire you just cut connected to the led (all of them) to one leg of your switch. then take the end of the cut negative wire that is connected to the speaker pad and solder it to the other end of the switch.

as for resistors, this is a varying voltage hence the sound reactive. so use the supply voltage of the battery (it should be wrote on the battery) and use 3v@20ma for the rating of the blue led (common value) then the amount of leds used and put this data into an led calculator and it will tell you what value resistor. this calculator will even provide a generic schematic.

Offline crowpath

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2013, 09:22:44 AM »
never worked on a go....but

wire it just like you have drawn it. then cut your negative wires all in half, where you made your cut, you now have two wires one end attached to the led and the other to the speaker pad..... now solder the wire you just cut connected to the led (all of them) to one leg of your switch. then take the end of the cut negative wire that is connected to the speaker pad and solder it to the other end of the switch.

as for resistors, this is a varying voltage hence the sound reactive. so use the supply voltage of the battery (it should be wrote on the battery) and use 3v@20ma for the rating of the blue led (common value) then the amount of leds used and put this data into an led calculator and it will tell you what value resistor. this calculator will even provide a generic schematic.

I don't really understand the first part you're talking about :confused: With the Sound Reactive Mod I'm not going to connect any wire to a switch :confused: Just the - and + side of the speaker?

It's the wiring schematic for the Wlan Switch mod that has me confused.. But maybe the site you offered can help draw me a schematic to use.

I tried entering all of the information put it keeps giving me this error -  Please enter a valid power supply voltage I keep typing in 3.7v :confused: That's the voltage from the Psp Go battery.

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2013, 09:34:08 AM »
I don't really understand the first part you're talking about :confused: With the Sound Reactive Mod I'm not going to connect any wire to a switch :confused: Just the - and + side of the speaker?

It's the wiring schematic for the Wlan Switch mod that has me confused.. But maybe the site you offered can help draw me a schematic to use.

I tried entering all of the information put it keeps giving me this error -  Please enter a valid power supply voltage I keep typing in 3.7v :confused: That's the voltage from the Psp Go battery.

with all due respect try the wlan led mod first if you can pull that off then try the sound reactive mod
psp's in general are hard to mess with because of the small footprint
dont get in over your head
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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2013, 11:18:35 AM »
with all due respect try the wlan led mod first if you can pull that off then try the sound reactive mod
psp's in general are hard to mess with because of the small footprint
dont get in over your head
too late

that is one of the easiest calculators I know of. if you enter:
Power supply voltage (V):  3.7
LED voltage drop (V):   3.0
LED current rating (mA):  20
Number of LEDs:   1

it tells you that you will need around a 36ohm resistor......

« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 11:19:43 AM by Modded Matt »

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2013, 12:37:58 PM »
too late

that is one of the easiest calculators I know of. if you enter:
Power supply voltage (V):  3.7
LED voltage drop (V):   3.0
LED current rating (mA):  20
Number of LEDs:   1

it tells you that you will need around a 36ohm resistor......

Now it works :laughing: I swear I typed in exactly what you wrote it and it gave me a error :dntknw:

I'm not drawing the power from the battery.. I'm getting the power from somewhere else that has 3.3volts.

Thanks for the help though :hifive:

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2013, 06:47:00 PM »

Here's a better photo I made for the Wlan Switch Mod Describing each solder point.

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Re: Sound Reactive/ Wlan Led Mod Help Please!
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2013, 08:09:37 PM »

Here's a better photo I made for the Wlan Switch Mod Describing each solder point.

red arrow should say "the last pin is your gnd it should be wired to the neg side of your leds"
god pic nonetheless should make it clear for most modders :tup:
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 08:10:16 PM by 3D0kassiah »
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