Author Topic: Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!  (Read 5092 times)


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Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:52:35 PM »
So I have a enhanced pick it 2 programmer and recently when I have been uploading opensourse hex files for 12f683 chips on my pickit software V2.61 I've been getting code protection under the configuration and it won't let me take code protection off! I've tried erasing and re downloading my pickit software and even resetting my operations system on my programmer but no cigar. The only hex file I can use is top fire. Every other opensourse hex file I try I get code blocked. I'm trying to update sethmods mods for his recent hex creator he decided to share with everyone. I got my controller built with 3 external 8 pin sockets and I'm ready to perfect some new mods with his hex editor but I cannot flash chips due to my pickit being stubbern. If anyone has experienced a similar problem and knows how to fix it please share this with me or just PM me, thanks! Sorry about the horrible long paragraph its hard to post on my cell. Thanks for hearing me out!

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Re: Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2013, 05:27:33 AM »
So,...I'm still a little confused by the way that you are wording this problem.

Code Protection prevents others from reading the chip after it has been programmed. It has no effect on writing.

By default all of my hex files have code protection added. That's to make sure if you sell a mod to someone they don't rip off your hex file.

...but I want to say that you can overwrite that default setting when you are in PICKit 2's software.

Try hitting "Ctrl+P".

If that doesn't help, then maybe a screenshot of the error you are getting?


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Re: Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 06:32:06 AM »
I have tried control P, it puts a lock on it "grays it out" from switching. When I write it to the chip it says everything uploaded fine but when I read it back all I get are 0000 0000 ect. I.D.K if this has anything to so with it but the EEPROM data just shows all FF FF ect. I'll try to take a screen shot when I get off from work today. As far as bypassing the code protection it will not allow me to do so. Its weird I never had this problem before but now when I flash almost anything I get all 0000's instead of the hex file.


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Re: Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 06:46:57 AM »
I might have jumped the gun sorry. If code protection prevents others from reading the chip then when i read back whats on the chip after its been flashed it should come up as i described! I was so preoccupied with trying to fix this this that I never bothered to test the chip I flashed. "Dumb" Anyways I will test this out when I get off work today and see if everything works fine. Like I said it uploads everything fine its just when I read back whats on the chip it comes up all 0000's.

Offline SethMods

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Re: Enhanced pickit2 code protection problems!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 07:50:19 AM »
Right. Exactly.

It won't allow YOU to read it back either. PM me this weekend, and I will show you how to take off the code protection from the hex files.


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