Author Topic: New Acidmods Codes  (Read 2875 times)

Offline t0pP8uZz

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New Acidmods Codes
« on: September 26, 2013, 04:49:49 PM »
Okay so first, regarding all my :censored: that happened which im sure most of you read about online or in the papers.

I'm back, I have my life in order again, and i feel great.

Im considering to make a few projects, I'm currently working on my own commerical project (not related to gaming btw) But ill have time to code here in there.

I lost the source codes to all my projects, so if any of the old codes are recontinued they would need to be coded from scratch. I have been away from the scene for a fair bit of time so what is the latest craze nowadays? I see there are RF codes everywhere.. so i doubt ill be working on anything like that. I'd be intrested in re-developing t0pMap (Mappable Controller with multiple RF lines)

But if i'm honest, i want something more challening. So i guess im looking for ideas.. feel free to post.

On another note, when the nextgen consoles are released. Ill knock up some good codes in a short peroid of time I'm sure.


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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 04:56:50 PM »
Glad to have you back on Acidmods  everyone  here misses your work and talents you brought to Acidmods so welcome back hopefully you will get alot of response back  :tup:

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 08:17:33 PM »
SethMods has offered his hex compiler software as free to everyone. Im already in the process of creating my own mods on 12f683 chips. In the next couple of months im going to post open source hex files of my creations. Its just a slow process as I only have weekends to program and flash my mod settings.

I have a prototype controller made with 5 8 pin external sockets and each socket has four button combinations to them. I've already created Turbo knives for BO2 with both LB and RB button cancelers also with and without fast hands perk. I also have a bunch of XYY jitters and my own special jitters that can fire burst rifles full auto with no LT kickback.

Im going after all COD series and gears series. I already have a lot of cool stuff like BO snaking glitch. With the 5 external sockets in my prototype controller I have covered all possible button combination glitches. I just have to build my library up to cover all the glitches possible for all cod series and gears series.

All the mods im making will be default and tactical friendly ( based on wiring. ) I am successfully running 5 12f683 chips with no problems which means I can run 5 mods at once. With sethmods hex builder each chip can have 10 mods on it also have forward + backward mod switching and re programmable RF.

I plan on listing schematics on the wiring of the chips for the mods u are looking for also I will give everyone the option of adding what mods they want on the chips. I will post a media folder of all my create a mod mod timings. Each chip can run up to four of any button presses (though RT is a must as that's how the chip recognizes what controller model its hooked to.)

With the right knowledge u can wire up to 5 chips "possibly more" and run 5 mods at once. Im in the process of testing a method I have mapped in my head to wire 5 chips together that are all operated off one tac button. I will attempt to map each chip to turn on by holding the tac and say direction pad right or direction pad Left. If i can accomplish this I can in theory make a modded controller ran off 12f683 chips that can compete with top of the line mods.

Like i said it will be some time. I have a lot of testing to do. I literally have to trial and error all my hex timings by testing them then finding out whats running to fast or slow and re flash over and over till my timings are correct. Thats why I have 5 external 8 pin sockets. Bottom line I will cover every mod for every series from jitters, turbo knives, fast reloads, active reloads, dropshots, jumpshots ,auto aims, rapidfires, auto spot, BO2 hybrid glitch and so much more.

I have a extensive library of macros from viking360 and Im creating cutting edge mods only seen on macro controllers. I am well respected in the viking 360 forums and im using my knowledge of macro making to make these cutting edge mods. I lack the skill to write my own chips but with seths hex creator I can use my knowledge of button canclers and cobinations to bring the best mods to everyone for free. Like I said before I will have media folders of my mod timing creations so anyone can use seth mods hex compiler and type whatever mods they want to program to their own chips. Basically Ill be supplying a library of mods to format to his hex compiler.

Keep an eye out Ill probably post a teaser of what I got in store. I already have a bunch of cool stuff that u can only get on a macro controller and I will show everyone how awesome my mods truly are!!!

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2013, 10:55:16 PM »
Awesome to see you are interested in getting back into it, you should wait for the new consoles, do something special for them. Acidmods R&D could use a bit of a kick in the ass to get them going again.
Looking forward to taking some of your new code for a spin when my trimester is finished :D

haha I was looking through some of the old R&D recruitment posts, I put in the request for you to go into R&D really early on, to a fair amount of skepticism from the other staff (looking at you Matt  :laughing:). Sure payed off, t0pFire has 50K+ views, I miss the old days :,(.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 11:17:02 PM by GhoSt »
|Variegation - GhoSt's Final Controller|

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Offline t0pP8uZz

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2013, 07:12:24 AM »
@Ghost Hey bro, Good to see you around. Hah yes the code was popular after release.. It was flooded all over eBay. Sure we can get something going again.

@White: Is that a hijack attempt? Erm why would you even consider wiring 5  12F683's together? It just doesnt make sense the size of those chips for the amount of IO pins your going to provide is ridiculous. And if you did want to do that, you should wire each pin via USART and have them communicate with eachother, have one master and 4 slaves to control the IO lines.

When i was working on my mappable controller mod i was using a PIC18F6627 it as 54 I/O pins. And is smaller then the 12f683. Only downside is its of course TQFP package type. Which means would definetly need a breakout board or fabricated PCB's which was all part of the plan anyway. Using a PIC like this you can pretty much do what you want. Even run multiple codes from the PIC such as LED flashers etc.

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2013, 08:47:40 AM »
Need some more led codes for sure!! lol


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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2013, 01:24:04 PM »
@ tOpP8uZz; Hopefully the link below this one will better explain what I'm doing and my intentions. I'm defiantly not trying to hijack anything or anyone and want to explain myself more clearer. Thanks for your patronage everyone :victory:

Here is a pic of my prototype controller with the 5 external 8 pin sockets.

As u can see on the back of my strip board all chips are daisy chained together. There is only 1 master chip where the wires run from that chip to the controller board. (besides some LT pin-outs on the other chips as they are designated to different button pin-outs)

Here is an example picture of sethmods hex editor. His editor lets u program and flash LT, RT & 2 of any designated buttons u choose. I took it one step further by wiring the LT to other button locations. As long as I switch the pulls around on the LT I can perform the functions needed to create mods. In this example the LT is wired to the RS.

All I am doing is creating a way to program and flash 12f683 chips with seths editor software. This way I can test and make corrections on my timings fast. By being able to cover 3 of any button presses with 5 different chips wired to different button presses I can knock out new mods fast and accurate.

I in turn will post a media folder of all my mods i created with this hex editor format. Others can use my library of creations & choose 10 mods to use on one chip that works with the 3 (or two depending on what mods) button combinations that the mods require to work correctly. Its basically expanding seths existing library with new "up to date" mods.

I just want to contribute something to the acidmods community. I know im not smart enough to write codes so i feel this is the next best thing i can do to give back to the community. I say give back because acidmods members have already given so much! I just want to return that favor. Im not trying to hijack anyone or step on toes. I am very humbled to every member in here. Its nothing short of amazing what this community does and Im very thankful for it!

[gmod]Just put everything in a single post please (use edit), double posting is annoying[/gmod]
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 09:18:57 PM by GhoSt »

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2013, 06:50:42 PM »
poop topp, take a read:,41701.0.html


Its opensource using 18F14K50. One was the remap for PS3, and the other was an LED+rapidfire for X360. Both have opensource PC program files too for real USB connections.

In otherwords, if anybody with any talent had ever read these, they could have made thier own full-blown Viking Macro mod if they put in the work. Luckily, these can still be used for the newer 18F14K chips that have many more pins.

So its up t you, f**k around with the old half-arsed mods, or move up to USB programmable.

Right now, I am just waiting on the new systems and waiting to see if I can do another original port to those. I had always planned to make an all-in-one controller (bootloaded with pre-configured easy, medium, and full-blown macro mode). I may get there, but I am currently on more commercial adventures.

haha I was looking through some of the old R&D recruitment posts, I put in the request for you to go into R&D really early on, to a fair amount of skepticism from the other staff (looking at you Matt  :laughing:). Sure payed off, t0pFire has 50K+ views, I miss the old days :,(.

The original gameplayRF code was first posted on this thread post:
It got 1.8 million views.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2013, 07:18:36 PM by Hazer »
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

Offline t0pP8uZz

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2013, 04:01:57 AM »
poop topp, take a read:,41701.0.html


Its opensource using 18F14K50. One was the remap for PS3, and the other was an LED+rapidfire for X360. Both have opensource PC program files too for real USB connections.

In otherwords, if anybody with any talent had ever read these, they could have made thier own full-blown Viking Macro mod if they put in the work. Luckily, these can still be used for the newer 18F14K chips that have many more pins.

So its up t you, f**k around with the old half-arsed mods, or move up to USB programmable.

Right now, I am just waiting on the new systems and waiting to see if I can do another original port to those. I had always planned to make an all-in-one controller (bootloaded with pre-configured easy, medium, and full-blown macro mode). I may get there, but I am currently on more commercial adventures.

The original gameplayRF code was first posted on this thread post:
It got 1.8 million views.

Good work.

Yes of course... As i said i want something challening.. Which is actually hard these days as everything is pretty stright forward. There are so many USB bootloaders etc and so many PIC's that have USB support.

My next mod would be a mappable/macro controller.. Or something along those lines. I still have my old project PIC18F6627 (TQFP) soldered onto my breakout board. This would be a hard mod for beginners to install though. I may switch the PIC and package type. Hazer what are you working on right now... I wouldnt want to clash with any other projects.

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Re: New Acidmods Codes
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2013, 10:47:21 AM »
Those two projects are not about bootloaders. They are about interfacing to the PC to store configuration data and save to EEPROM (or program memory for macro info if tweaked). The bootloader part I mentioned was to switch between firmwares for different people. Like a simple firmware to the kind of code/controller everyone is used to. Alot of complaints about macro was it was too daunting for alot of casual gamers. But then the firmware could be updated (through bootloader) to be more advanced (like a multi-mode with self-editting speeds, etc etc). And finally update the firmware to a full blown macro controller that could store macros made through PC software (just like the viking). The open-source projects I have posted contain all of the base-line to accomplish all of that.

As for using anything bigger than a 32 pin USB PIC, I would have to ask why? There are only 12 buttons to control, and any more than 4 added buttons would be too much.

And lastly, I have been doing alot with 3D printers. Nothing much along controllers anymore.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]


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