Author Topic: Kinect Cheat Sheet  (Read 1920 times)

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Kinect Cheat Sheet
« on: November 26, 2013, 02:48:22 PM »
Every Xbox One comes with a new Kinect sensor — a powerful peripheral that lets the game console read your heart rate and respond to your voice commands. In our review of the Xbox One, however, we discovered that the Kinect typically only recognizes extremely specific vocal cues like "Xbox turn off" and "Xbox Bing." How many of those prompts are there, and what can they do? Microsoft just released a cheat sheet with a host of examples.

In addition to useful commands like "Xbox Snap" and "Xbox Play," for example, you can also say "Xbox Help" on any screen or in any app to bring up a simplified user manual. "Xbox Invite" is a shortcut to get your friends in on the action, allowing you to pull up the Party interface without leaving your game or issuing several commands, and you can say "Xbox Play Music" to quickly start playing the last track you were listening to in the Xbox Music app. Take a peek at a partial list of commands below, and view the rest at our source link in printable PDF form. You'll also find hand gestures that the Kinect can recognize to scroll through the dashboard, and zoom in and out in apps like Internet Explorer.

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