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If it only happens in a rapid fire mode then it is likely that I just have my trigger sensing set too sensitive.
So, Seth, does this mean that all you need to do to RF the new controller is send a high to RT and LT on those solder points? I never saw any solution/conclusion in the research thread about getting the triggers to RF. I am only asking due to the seemingly stagnant RF market. I would have thought more companies would be all over the new xbox one controlers.
I´ve got my sample chip and I´ve installed it but I have some issues:- If I hold LT and press sync button (the one which I have used to change modes) the modes don´t decrease- If I press sync button during 2 seconds the controller starts to try to sinc so I suppose it´s better using a tact switch- Akimbo modes works for me in this way: If I press RT it´s like I was holding RT and LT but if I hold LT I just got one shoot, no rapid fireAnyway RF works perfectly. Thanks Seth
Can we solder LED wire (pin 2) here?