Author Topic: PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??  (Read 6005 times)

Offline The End of A Heartache

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PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:54:34 PM »
So i won a bid for a ps3 that turns on (green light) and after 5 second shut completely down (NO led) no screen and can not enter into recovery mode.

I ran threw a few things with gizmo about the problem. Basic things to try out.

* PSU swap out still shut completely off after 5 seconds

*bd swap out still shut completely off after 5 seconds.

*swap bd control board.....Anyone knows how that looks like???????

I personally believe someone attempted to flash the nor so they can downgrade and try using Cfw and managed to do a bad flash or something else which brink the console.

I have done a fan test and then got the system to give me an error code

green = bad, red = good

error code: grgr - rrrr - rrrr - rrrr

I swapped the hard drive with that a working one from a phat ps3 with latest firmware with the same outcome each time.

Anyone else has any idea what might be the cause of the situation or any other solution i should try?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 04:23:49 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Sgt.Ghost

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Re: PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 06:30:56 PM »
Maybe this what happen to it. If not sorry.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Re: PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2014, 06:58:19 PM »
Maybe this what happen to it. If not sorry.

Thank you for the link, I will be attempting to do that right now. I wanted to first check the hard drive and wipe it clean but I see someone already has done that for me which might be the reason why the system might not start up?... No OS no files nothing just an unallocated hard drive.

Well I tired and it still didn't work, system wouldn't even go into recovery. Got it to stay on till I loaded in the flash drive then it crashed and shut off with no LED lights on or anything just completely off.

I still say someone messed with it and managed to brick it up so how.

Either way I am still going to keep working on it till I can get it to stay on and load up.

Tomorrow i am taking the whole thing apart and scanning for any solder bridge. I read some times that can be the cause of the problem... Not sure but lets see.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2014, 09:59:53 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Sgt.Ghost

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Re: PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2014, 10:33:51 AM » maybe powersource overheating if that does nothing. Fix solder pets. Maybe who ever played with it thinks he knows it all Lol

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Re: PS3 slim cech 2501a no led??
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 01:00:28 PM » maybe powersource overheating if that does nothing. Fix solder pets. Maybe who ever played with it thinks he knows it all Lol

Thanks, I tried what he in the video the same night I said I was taking it apart. The original power supply to the ps3 does not have a variable to adjust the power regulator and the power overload limiter variable.

Since I do have another console the same model I bought a new powersupply for that console, I instead used it on the one I am working on and it does have the variable for both and adjusted it to the "specification" as the one from the video. I still get random shut off

I took today the console apart, cleaned the case and looked over the board. I notice on the very ends where the power supply meets the motherboard there are 6 small tap points on each side on the two very end on either side were bridge. I went and desolder the bridge as well as removed the old thermal paste which was more like thermal rubber from both GPU and CPU and used ultra thermal grease since the product works very well on my gamer desktop holds well to endurance I change it once every 6 months anyways I tried it out once more get the random shut down  only this time the console remains on for longer than 6 seconds but less than one whole minute.

I believe next I might take the whole thing apart again and reflow the CPU. GPU... since I do not own a reballing machine I will try to do this using a heat gun and see if that solves the dilemma.

The second console is same model (cech 2501a) but it is from a client of mine,  the console fell and  broke the shell and power supply but as well as the hard drive and I would have thought the motherboard was ok but trying out the hard drive and both power supply from the other console and the one i bought to replace the one that broke it still shut down after 5 second. So I might as well do the reflow on the clients PS3 motherboard. If all is well and it actually "works" then I will do the same to my console.

I have been doing a lot of research on the subject and why it happens as well as what does the LED code means

I found this

under the "LED Diag Mode"

I found that I get the same error code as that as the 2501b


First section of error GRGR means 1010 or bad startup due to a hardware issue or bad software/firmware update.

including under the "error on boot"

NLOD - No Led of Death
Failure in the hardware_init stage. Suspects: Power disconnected, switch off, Power Supply, 12V fuses

Since I used a new power supply I notice the same problem persist. I will have to swap the power switch board next to see if that might be the problem and if last the fuse might be blown I might have to swap it out. I do have a xbox 360 slim with the same 12v fuse so I might be able to swap it out and then test it out. Last option is to do a reflow...

the factor of a bad BD might not be the reason why the PS3 power up and shut down because it does not have a controller board, that is to say the control for the BD like that on the PS2 slim it is part of the motherboard. Therefore if the BD is bad it will still power up the PS3 I actually run this test myself and still got the same GRGR error.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 01:15:53 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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