Author Topic: PS4-Controller-Southpaw  (Read 2396 times)

Offline Unexpected07

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« on: March 09, 2014, 09:09:40 AM »
Dear All,

i am from Germany and i have a PS4.

I am a left-handed-person, so in every game I need to have an alternative control-setting, a southpaw/left-hand-control opinion, that means, with the left stick I will look around and with the right stick I will move.

The problem is, that not every game supports different control schemes, for me a southpaw/left-hand-control.

My question is:

Is it possibly for you to modify a PS4 controller in a way, that it works for a southpaw/left-hand-control, which means, both stick functions are switched from left to right and from right to left???

Many Thanks in Advance & Best Regards,



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