Author Topic: FALCON RJtag help  (Read 2785 times)

Offline Demonboy

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FALCON RJtag help
« on: March 16, 2014, 01:57:38 AM »
i got a 3 light rrod (0010) i know thats an overheating issue but what stumps me atm is the fact tht it booted fine before i installed all the rjtag stuff... i checked all my joints... nothing.... i desoldered EVERYTHING and still nothing its the same 0010 error code... the nand reads, and writes and even writes xell... but it wont boot... SOO im going to attempt a reflow of the south bridge tomorrow after i get some sleep... but am i correct to assume that its the south bridge? this is my 1st rjtag and as i said i have 4 good and matching nand dumps and xell is written to the xbox... ill post screen caps tomorrow if they're needed... of jrunner's output but yea im tired so ima crash, ask any other questions that are needed.. oh and its a flacon and i only have 2 dips on atm, oh and the fans dont come on and its a refurb from gamestop with the screws instead of the xclamps and the fan is wired into the cd drive for some weird reason o.O

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Re: FALCON RJtag help
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2014, 08:19:08 AM »
0010 isn't a over heating error ! What are your settings on Rtag chip ?  also i am willing to bet that you either do not have the points bridged on the small QSB correctly or you have wired it for aud clamp and didnt bridge your points

 Falcon R-jtag settings i have used  and also i do not use that small QSB for the jtag  i use normal diodes like a normal jtag seems to work the best
7 on 8 off  for falcon settings for the Rjtag along with 2 or 3 or 4 works with the 1.2 volt bridged

always leave 7on 8 off that is the falcon motherboard settings 

 when you change the settings on the dip make sure you power the console off and unplug it then change the dip or you will just keep getting the same results in a error 

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