Author Topic: Xbox 360 Controller Circuit Board Question  (Read 3699 times)

Offline Apezdr

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Xbox 360 Controller Circuit Board Question
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:41:13 AM »
Hello! I've been working on my controller and I have finally gotten it to where it is functioning like it should (at least kind of). I have replaced the Thumbsticks and the trigger component for both the left and right trigger. But after doing this I have had a issue when I press the D-Pad and I see that it is registering me pressing the left back button as well..I have a couple of pictures below to help give you a idea of where I am right now. What I think happened is that I may have knocked off the component in the 3rd picture that resembles what I think is a resistor. I have another non-functioning controller around here but I would rather know what I am replacing so I can just order what I need in case it doesn't come off the old board (not this one) in one piece.
Above I am pressing ONLY the left button on the d-pad.
Above is only pressing the left back button.
My guess at the problem area pictured above. Circled in blue I have identified a (resistor??) component that is missing from two points. My guess is that this is causing the issue that happens when I press the left D-pad button and it registers the dpad being pressed and the Left bumper being pressed (when I am in fact not pressing it).
This image above looked the most similar out of the other images I have seen on my google search voyage...
Here are some pictures of the front and back of the controller as it is currently.

Please give me some advice on this as I cant use it normally until this is fixed. I was referred to RDC (a member here I presume) by a member of the se7ensins forums.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 11:55:18 AM by Apezdr »


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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Circuit Board Question
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 07:16:01 PM »
Well I think u answers your own question to why your controller is bugging out. I was looking through some of my old scrap boards (matrix v1) and seen a R34 resistor where you circled your missing resistor. I thought I had the same board as your controller in your picture but I dont. Its been so long I can't remember what version your board is. Its very similar to the matrix v1 besides missing the little metal heat shield on the back of the main CPU chip. If u have a spare matrix V1 controller I would sweat of that R34 resistor (using minimal solder and not burning the resistor up on the tip of your soldering iron) and try it out to see if that fixes your issue. This is all friendly suggestions to try out. I can tell u for a fact that any missing resistor or capacitors on a board will always make a controller bug out. If u can find the same board as yours its probably as easy as swapping out that resistor. Good luck.

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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Circuit Board Question
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 08:59:41 PM »
Any idea what the specs are on these (SMD?) resistors?

Offline RDC

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Re: Xbox 360 Controller Circuit Board Question
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2014, 07:12:43 AM »
It's an older Matrix controller, it just has shield missing form the RF module. It's not needed, they made them like that after awhile.

R34 is a 4.7k 0402.
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