Author Topic: Ps3 No standby/ won't turn on STUMPED  (Read 6023 times)

Offline sinrockets

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Ps3 No standby/ won't turn on STUMPED
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:59:56 AM »
I got a cechl01 ps3 which has been more then great to me ran strong and cool always, was used often and had it modded out. Anyway
I was working in putting a fan speed controller in when something shorted, believe it was one of the 3 fan wires 12v, grnd, PWN.
Not sure where too but I'm sure it shorted on the mobo heat plate on top, chrome metal piece that covers mobo.
Now I have tried all I can think and a different psu which was not the case. I have check lots of fuses thermoristors and contacts. Need any info on voltages they give, I can test on demand. It has onboard power and eject board.

PROBLEM: get no standby led, power led, or eject led. Console won't power on.
I have jumped psu to test points.
No ideas left besides maybe a ic chip but idk how to diagnose if that's it or not.

Also I'm puzzled because I get 3v at the smd lights for standby, power and eject, but they aren't getting a ground. I can jump ground and they light up fine. And when pressing power or eject you can here it beep but it's really faint an without have the mobo out you can't even hear it.
I get connection through all fuses I have tested except F6003 which is 12v
1 side and dead the other, not the problem I've jumped and nothing, I believe it's the blu-ray power fuse but my power plug on the blu ray hasn't worked in a while, had a broke bluray. I have a good one now but ps3 is dead lol. Any help or diagnose is greatly appreciative. Trust me you can't find it on the web no were.
If you can help me figure out what's wrong or can tell me what's wrong and I can get it working again, I'd gladly send some 10$ PayPal for the incentive to help because it's my favorite ps3!!
If it aint broken, MOD IT!
1 Reg gamecube/ One with sd mod and Full size dvd-r mod
1 phat bc with extra fan in psu & leds | 3 PS3 Slims
1slim running 4.70 cfw, with fan controller and breathing leds[/color]

Offline sinrockets

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Re: Ps3 No standby/ won't turn on STUMPED
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 08:07:12 AM »
Also when it beeps in beeps like it has ylod sometimes and just a beep other times. I know for sure it's not ylod.
If it aint broken, MOD IT!
1 Reg gamecube/ One with sd mod and Full size dvd-r mod
1 phat bc with extra fan in psu & leds | 3 PS3 Slims
1slim running 4.70 cfw, with fan controller and breathing leds[/color]


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