Author Topic: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any  (Read 3817 times)

Offline TR4G-

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Hey guys,

I have my multimeter out and have been poking around for a while. Im surprised no one has documented common sources of volts on the psp 3000. There seem to be tons of people modding them successfully but no one will share their secrets. I have found several points that hop up to 2.5 but then immediately drop down then spike again. Been looking through all these posts hoping someone would be nice enough to post their source points. Can someone help me out?

I guess I could just pull off the battery terminal where it meets the motherboard.

Does no one seriously know of any points? I have now found a 5v source (resistor that leads to WIFI led) but I need something closer to 3.3. Anyone?

Finally. found one but It was hidden under the non removable mobo metal protector. Found a constant 3.3 :D Ill provide pics later on with more detailed information
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 02:50:03 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 12:51:18 PM »
Please provide pics of your find.

Sorry dude, I havent touched a PSP in years. The last one I worked on was a 2000 and I swore I would never do another.... but then I did the PSP GO...

Offline TR4G-

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 01:36:22 PM »
Hah. I feel you.  I randomly decided to do this the other day, successfully did the internal cam mod and then decided to wire up a pulse VU chip I had in my xbox for ages. So it's been a lonnnng time since I've been active on acidmods, but I have read a fair amount in the past week. You have contributed quite a lot to the forums Matt. 

Here is an unrelated (semi) question for you: I hooked up the sickmods pulsevu in the 3000 but I only have the led fader working. Do you know how audio signals work? Traditionally this chip has audio right and left that you connect to the corresponding points such as audio left and audio right on a consoles OUT port (the part that hooks up to the TV). The psp doesn't have this... Now the + terminals on the speakers wouldn't substitute for that role would they? (This would supply to all psp models) assuming they don't, my next guess would be the headphone jack, but from my understanding, the signal is only passed through the jack points if there is an actual plug inserted into the socket. Is that correct or not? Because if not, I could just solder to those points...

Only reason I ask instead of trying is because I'd prefer to not have to pull out the mo board due to the camera in there... Or to solder on just to test. I've seen others (not on acidmods) successfully do  to but I'm not sure what points they used. I did test out the positive terminals of both speakers and this did not work....

Any insight? I, open to a dialogue on how audio signals work. Thougt you might know, tough to find info out in this

Offline Gizmo613

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 06:20:16 PM »
the psp 3000 does have av out. there's a port on the bottom of the unit that allows you to connect it to a tv via component av connections. Unfortunately i dont have a diagram nor can i find one. but i am guessing the connection would be from the headset portion of the component connector.

when i have tiime, i will be installing the sound reactive pcb into my psp 3000. the files needed to send to the pcb fabrication house are still available on this site.,42975.msg321789.html#msg321789
This will cost about $2 shipped from the fabrication house. Plus the parts are relatively cheap.
With this you wouldn't need to worry about the audio left and right as much as the pulsevu does.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 06:26:21 PM by Gizmo613 »

Offline TR4G-

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 11:19:49 PM »
Thanks for the response. I'm aware of the av out on the psp, however do you think that the signal is always traveling through it or only when the av out wire is actually plugged in.

Offline Gizmo613

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2014, 08:19:49 AM »
Hah. I feel you.  I randomly decided to do this the other day, successfully did the internal cam mod and then decided to wire up a pulse VU chip I had in my xbox for ages. So it's been a lonnnng time since I've been active on acidmods, but I have read a fair amount in the past week. You have contributed quite a lot to the forums Matt. 

Here is an unrelated (semi) question for you: I hooked up the sickmods pulsevu in the 3000 but I only have the led fader working. Do you know how audio signals work? Traditionally this chip has audio right and left that you connect to the corresponding points such as audio left and audio right on a consoles OUT port (the part that hooks up to the TV). The psp doesn't have this... Now the + terminals on the speakers wouldn't substitute for that role would they? (This would supply to all psp models) assuming they don't, my next guess would be the headphone jack, but from my understanding, the signal is only passed through the jack points if there is an actual plug inserted into the socket. Is that correct or not? Because if not, I could just solder to those points...

Only reason I ask instead of trying is because I'd prefer to not have to pull out the mo board due to the camera in there... Or to solder on just to test. I've seen others (not on acidmods) successfully do  to but I'm not sure what points they used. I did test out the positive terminals of both speakers and this did not work....

Any insight? I, open to a dialogue on how audio signals work. Thougt you might know, tough to find info out in this

Can't find my psp right now but i think it does send signals there regardless of whether it's plugged in or not. Once i find time i'll take it apart and test this out.

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2014, 07:28:44 PM »
Ill see if I can work this out myself. I would simply see varying voltage through those pins yeah?

Offline Uai

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Re: 5v or similar points on motherboard. having trouble finding any
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2014, 09:38:08 PM »
Well, if you can't figure it out, you could simply use a audio amp like that LM386 but wire it up to the PulseVU. However you will need two of them if you want two channel and may want a switch to cut power so they won't drain battery when not in use.


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