Author Topic: New X360 Corona motherboard where RGH fails  (Read 8508 times)

Offline Rodent

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New X360 Corona motherboard where RGH fails
« on: September 26, 2014, 05:23:16 PM »
New X360 Corona motherboard where RGH fails
>> Xbox 360's with 500GB and FIFA 15 pack are incompatible with RGH

Seems Microsoft has released a new Corona motherboard layout that is using a smaller die and new traces and Nand setup, as such it is currently not possible to RGH (mod) these new Xbox 360 consoles!

Looks like Microsoft is still improving the Xbox 360 console, releasing yet another new model, and because it is new PCB layout with a smaller die chipset, it is sadly incompatible with the current RGH hacking setups, leaving those buying these new Xbox 360 consoles unable to mod them correctly.

"KonzolozZ over at has posted info about a new Xbox 360 Corona motherboard bundled as 500GB + Fifa 15 Pack which is incompatible with RGH. Various observations from the forum post: The CGPU is without IHS, and the type is: 4672991 D-A3;X888841-001. Featuring SKhynix or ST NAND Samsung K4J10324KG-HC14 NAND flash. These are the new 500 GB consoles, the MFR DATE 2014.08.14; LOT NO./DATE: 1436X. The NAND is readable and writeable, after writing ECC it gives 0010 secondary error. The post_out fix adapter doesn't fit."

But don't worry, Team-Xecuter says they will have one of these new models tomorrow, and 15432 is already looking at the new Nand dumps, so it might not be long before you be able to RGH these new boxes, all tho for sure you will need a new post_out fix adapter, and I guess this means CR4 will be delayed a bit more again by TX until these new Corona models are sorted out by everyone.

Source: Xbox scene
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 05:25:08 PM by Rodent »

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