Author Topic: GBA64 Portable  (Read 2275 times)

Offline SpheralAcorn680

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GBA64 Portable
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:54:07 PM »
Hello! Im looking for someone who will be willing to build me a GBA and N64 Combined into a portable . It doesnt have to have the cartidge part for the gba and n64 games just an SD card slot . I will pay the modder the price that is needed. Please get to me ASAP and i will talk with you


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Re: GBA64 Portable
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 07:56:39 PM »
Thats sounds like a cool project! Hopefully someone will take u up on it. There is a modders for hire section in acidmods but I haven't seen any activity in there for ages. It will be hard to find someone to take this retro mod up for u but I hope someone will rise to the challenge.

I thought I'd share something I found that may be a useful component for a build like this. Its a n64 cartrige that's essentialy a emulater that can hold every n64 game and homebrew games loaded to a SD card built in
 Here's a link for u to check out.

U can order it without the n64 case. I'd imagine this could be easily incorporated to fit your needs.


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