Author Topic: PS3 fan mod  (Read 2711 times)

Offline DARk_ANGEL

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PS3 fan mod
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:21:11 PM »
I have the older PS3 and I wanna know if I can do any other fan mod besides the loud 12v one??
And without a variable resister

Offline sinrockets

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Re: PS3 fan mod
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 03:29:15 AM »
The ps3 fan runs off of a 12v line and ground but it has a third line the PWM line. This is the line to control the fan speed. 3,3v will set the fan max @ 12v. When you add a potentimeter in between the PWM line and a 3.3v line you get a fan controller of atleast a simpler version of it.

Now with that being said, you should be able to add a resistor between a 3.3v( easiest i found atleast on slims is on psu) and the PWM line of the fan to get whatever speed your looking for. now as for how to find your resistor value depends on what speed you want your fan on. The closer u are to the 3.3v the higher it will be and the lower voltage you go the lower the fan speed. just remember you are overriding the main fan controller. And curious as to why not just add a variable?
If it aint broken, MOD IT!
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