Author Topic: complete controller rebuild.  (Read 3249 times)


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complete controller rebuild.
« on: January 24, 2015, 12:04:24 PM »
I'm working on refurbishing a cg1 360 board. I bought a red cg1 360 controller on eBay with a busted LS anolog for 10$. I also purchased a new set of anolog sticks (not the cheep knock off sticks) + two new trigger potometers and LB/ RB tact switches for $6.

I have reciveved my controller and desolderd all anologs, potometers and LB/RB tacs. I took it one step further and desolderd the old grey PNC port + grey mic port and replaced it with a new cg2 black PNC port + mic port from a junk board I had. I'm still waiting on my anologs, potometers & RB,LB tac switches.

Here are two pics of the board as of now!

As you can tell from the pics I had to throw a jump wire to the RB. Its my own mistake of not cleaning out my desoldering pump and leaving a little crusty bump of solder on the RB pin. When I pulled it out it ripped out the trace. I also cleaned off that little booger of solder above the C2 (ground pin on the PNC connections) that looked like it was touching the other pin.

Out of everything I desolderd the only catastrophe I encounterd was that RB connection. Though fixible, its a common rookie mistake on my part for not cleaning my equipment and being more observent lol.

I'll be updating this thread as soon as I get my new parts. Total cost of build 16$. What I hope to achieve is a brand new refurbished controller that I will sell for a respectable 35$.

Now $19 profit isn't big ballin by any means and this isn't about the money. Its about doing something that occupies me from going out and doing something stupid lol. Plus I just enjoy this type of stuff. I'll update some more pics as this project progress's.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 12:27:15 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »

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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2015, 03:56:34 PM »
Now $19 profit isn't big ballin by any means and this isn't about the money. Its about doing something that occupies me from going out and doing something stupid lol. Plus I just enjoy this type of stuff. I'll update some more pics as this project progress's.

Whatever keeps you off the streets lol

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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 01:10:04 AM »
Its cleaned up pretty well. Nice un-solder work.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2015, 12:23:53 PM »
after freight and ebay fees, thats down to about $4.00. and I am sure you have at least 8 hrs ordering parts and doing the work itself. I hope you had fun at least.


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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2015, 01:05:26 PM »
Well the busted controller was a whole (came with shell and everything) and I used the shell parts on my Odin's Ravin build.

For how old it was the controller shell and parts were it was in really great condition. I order a cheep aftermarket shell for 6$ for this build. All the shipping was free as most stuff I orderd was from China lol.

The total build was figured out to 19$ profit after parts, shipping ect. I'm selling the Odin's Ravin build i did on craigslist for 40$ with a extra PNC cable I had (100% profit as this was all spare parts I had for this build). So if I sell both of these I'll inquire 59$ for my labor. I figure total build time on both is about 4 hrs.

The money aspect dosent concern me as its mainly just for hobby purposes. I figure as long as I didn't pay into it, make a small profit and have fun doing it its a win win. I figure I haven't been very active here so it gave me an excuse to post some of my work here for others to enjoy. All parts are real cheep and as long as I can make a little somethin somethin I'm happy.

I found this great company on eBay broken bargins and they have all these old controllers for like 8- 10$ with busted anolog sticks or broken LB buttons. U can pick up decent whole controllers and sell them for 30$ refurbished. I still have like 4 boards that are busted for parts (burned out vias and such) that I can use to fix these busted controllers. I'm actually just about to buy an original halo 3 green controller with a busted LS anolog for six dollars free shipping.  I'll sell that as well on craigslist for 25 or 30$ refurbished. Its great for hobbies + killing time and I'm not loosing money even though I'm not gaining much money lol.

I'll keep this updated as my anologs should be in the mail today.  Feb 3 I should have the rest of my parts to complete my build. Then its off to craigslist.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 01:11:19 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »


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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2015, 06:01:18 PM »
Just got m y anologs in today.

Here it is all installed.

Now I just need my trigger potometers, LB RB Tact's & my shell with all hardware parts! I'll post the rest up as a complete once the rest of my parts get here.


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Re: complete controller rebuild.
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2015, 03:53:55 PM »
Just received my potometers & LB/RB tacticals.

I just installed the LB/RB Tact's.

I added a moch up trigger harnest (in this pic) and cut a little support member in it for the RB jumper wire to flow to the RB tac pin. This is what I will do on my final log when I receive my shell and all other hardware component's. This will hide the wire nice and the snap in trigger harnest will sit nice and flush to the board. Cutting this little support member does not disrupte the integrity of the trigger harnest in any way. Its still sold with no slop movement.

Here is a top side view of the LB/RB tacs installed.

The next log will be the last one as this will complete my build. I wanted to refurbish all the hardware that usually causes problems in old controllers. I feel like I will have done so and this controller will be just like a out of box brand new controller with 3/4 markdown cost in comparison.

The only other thing I could think of to make it 100% refurbished would be to replace the sync tac but that's wayyyy to overkill in my opinion. The sync on this controller (be that its a cg1 and likely 6 years old) is still in excellent condition and its far too much work to try to attempt this swap. Any way keep looking out for my final post as it should be done anytime this week when the rest of my parts come in from good old China.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 03:55:32 PM by WHITE 4ND N3RDY »


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