Author Topic: My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller  (Read 2776 times)

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My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller
« on: April 17, 2015, 09:08:10 PM »
Sorry for not taking pictures of the "inside job"... Didn't had a good camera at my disposal at that particular time :(

So what does it feature... ? Mostly practical "fixes" for the most annoying traits of the 360 Controller.

* Mini USB Connector (because I was annoyed by always needing to wrap that "tethering system" and pay attention to it when I was going to disassemble the Controller)
* Convex Right Analog Thumbstick Cap (because Right Stick falls closer under my thumb making aiming much more comfortable with a "domed" shaped Thumbstick Cap)
* Better Analog Sticks (recovered from a Logitech Rumblepad 2. The ones with the metallic mechanism and yellow potentiometers. Those have less physical Deadzone and are softer)
* PlayStation D-Pad (specifically a combination of PS1 and PS2 D-Pad parts for the best result. PS1 silicone contact pad and cross support, PS2 Cross and black case)

EDIT1: So... after all I did took a picture while I was working on it, but... sadly, it's not really on a professional level of quality :sadno: It's more like a blurry mess...

EDIT2: Here are some pics of the specific Analog Sticks model:

The only difference is that the ones recovered from the Logitech GamePad have longer metal rods where the Thumb Cap gets attached.
And it's better because most Analog Sticks already have longer protruding holes after the Thumb Cap rod end level stops, making the Thumb Cap fasten more securely on these Sticks.
What I did was filling the wider Thumb Caps rod holes with standard 360 Thumb Stick plastic rods cut at the necessary level and I was left with tight holes to fit perfectly on the "new" Thumb Sticks.

Btw, I would be really interested to know if anyone still produces these and where to buy them.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 12:54:43 AM by 80T »


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Re: My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 09:58:48 PM »
Great build! I like it a lot. Honestly I love the 360 controller. I can't stand the XB1 controller. I basically use cornusmax just so I can play my Xbox controller on my one and ps4. I have to say the d pad mod is a must. Again great work and thanks for sharing!

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Re: My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 10:20:24 PM »
Yeah, I have an XBOne Controller right here... It's sitting gathering dust since I've bought it. Really a downgrade from the 360 Controller. Very disappointed about it poop

It has a decent D-Pad... only for navigating through Menus or Weapon Selection though... pulling off diagonals ans stuff like that it's out of the question...
The Bumpers are a complete disaster (there are even tutorials on the Internet about how you should supposedly be pressing them "correctly"... *facepalm*)
The Face Buttons have almost no rebound... If you don't completely let go of the Button, then it will remain pressed even at the slightest pressure applied...
The rumble... weak as every other wireless controllers I've seen :( Weak feedback effects aren't even registering any movement from the Rumble Motors...
The potentiometers and the whole Analog Stick assembly itself are dirt cheap China plastic crap... The Analog Drift seems to be a common issue with those...
The Case of the Controller feels cheaper than the 360 one and squeaks under moderate grip pressure applied to it. Not to mention that it has a poor structure design.
And most importantly, for anything other than small hands, the XBOne Controller it's a cramp fest.

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Re: My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2015, 08:36:08 PM »
Those sticks are made by Fortune and are the FJN10k Series, then the FJP10K Series have the plastic shaft. You can get them on eBay UK or any number of Chinese suppliers if that's what you prefer.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 08:37:16 PM by RDC »
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline 80T

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Re: My wired-"less" day to day 360 Controller
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2015, 08:59:00 PM »
Those sticks are made by Fortune and are the FJN10k Series, then the FJP10K Series have the plastic shaft. You can get them on eBay UK or any number of Chinese suppliers if that's what you prefer.

Thx ;)

Funny thing that I've searched for days in various periods on eBay, Amazon, AliExpress, etc, and didn't found them for the heck of me... I was only finding smaller ones or without the tact switches, etc...
I didn't knew their part model number and I was also afraid that nobody even produces them any more because they could be more expensive. Turns out that they aren't more expensive after all.
Fortunately, I've found them by some blind luck and magic on an electronics store. Both models metal/plastic rods (didn't knew about the plastic rod ones) and both sizes XB1/PS4 size and normal 360/PS1/PS2 size.
Ordered 10 pcs of normal size metal rod ones but I'm thinking about giving a try at those plastic ones too... I'm under the impression that they're a bit different than the "standard" green/black pots (Alps ?) ones...

Here's the link. And it's great that the site it's in my Country already so no need to deal with overseas shipping payment and stuff. Just mail or fast courier :)


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