Author Topic: Jdm-001, two controllers seem broke.  (Read 2061 times)

Offline Gaherrs

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Jdm-001, two controllers seem broke.
« on: January 17, 2016, 04:46:55 PM »
I got 2 jdm-001 controllers and tried to make "scuf" buttons.
With the first one I failed, because I scratched the points for x and o too deep. Now actually if there is no cable to the button, the buttons o x traingle square don't work. If there is a connection, than sometimes triangle and o work but r1 is spammed. I believe I scratched the connection between the buttons.
The second one got first a switched l3 anlog stick, which caused some issues, because the connections got their problems to get liquid, after hours of attempting, I understand that I have to use a heatpipe. The result is that I disconnected and destroyed the connection peace for the ledbar. Another issue is that the other 3d module I brought, do not work like it have to. It stucks when I put it in some directions and is all in all not good.
Then there is an other problem, again while I connected scuf buttons, the r1 button, which I never touched, while working with the motherboard, stopped to work. And my o button do not work.
I will upload pictures tomorrow.
Do some one have some tips or ideas what to do?  Or do I have to life with the fact that they are broke now and I would never try to connect scuf buttons(without an remap chip)

(big sorry for my bad english, I am a russian guy who lives in germany)

« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 02:39:54 PM by Rodent »

Offline i7vSa7vi7y

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Re: Jdm-001, two controllers seem broke.
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 08:00:59 AM »
What you can do to fix those O and X connections is scratch some of the board slightly to expose the copper and try to get a wire to fix the broken connections. This will take patience. You may be able to save the controller. If you did you can try to add tacts but it will be a lot harder.

This is what I do to install tac switches. I get a safety blade or an xacto knife and I slowly and carefully scrape the circle point for O and X. Once the whole circle is shiny copper I get some flux and clean it off. (Flux cleans the point to allow the solder to connect very easily) Then I put a little glob of solder on my solder gun. I just touch that copper circle and now there is a little ball of solder on the point. I then get my wire add some flux and (tin) add some solder on the wire. Then I put my wire with solder on it on top of my circle button point which has solder on it and I just touch the soldering gun on them for a couple seconds making a good connection. If I have a good connection I get some hot glue and secure it in place.

Also I use 30g AWG wire. Its flexible and easy to work with. Enamel covered wire and kynar wire was too stiff for me and would constantly come off it's connections when I would take apart or fit controllers back together.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 08:07:29 AM by i7vSa7vi7y »


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