Author Topic: DS4 JDM-020 Mainboard Damage  (Read 3594 times)

Offline pangster

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DS4 JDM-020 Mainboard Damage
« on: September 07, 2016, 04:40:07 PM »

New here - (think this is my first post) - but been reading threads for a while and recently registered!! :)

Just wanted your opinion on whether this DS4 JDM-020 mainboard could be repaired or whether it's basically toast!! - I've attached some pics...

you'll notice that the battery connecter has become completely detached from the mainboard!.. just looking for advice/opinions and options really?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 05:23:05 PM by pangster »

Offline RDC

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Re: DS4 JDM-020 Mainboard Damage
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2016, 05:01:02 AM »
The 2 center pads are really the only ones you need worry about, as they are the + and - ones, and they look intact. The 2 outside connections are just for mechanical stability of the connector, they have no electrical connection to anything as far as the battery is concerned.

I'd just clean it up, set the connector back on there and solder those 2 leads. Then if you want, a drop or two of super glue on the sides to hold it on there a bit more solid. Then just be more careful with it if you have to unplug the battery.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline grahf

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Re: DS4 JDM-020 Mainboard Damage
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2016, 10:25:01 PM »
Just wanted to throw this out there too for anybody who was in my shoes with this type of damage.

Mine was very similar...(sorry should have taken some pictures). In his picture your can see the two prongs that RDC is saying to solder back down to the board poking out the back of the connector. They lay flat on the board then L shape upwards and into the battery connector(so that the battery plugs into them when in place). Mine SNAPPED on the upward turn leaving two long prongs soldered at one end each flat on the motherboard. The two tiny short upward ends broke off in the connector that was detached.

I simply took the prongs still soldered to the motherboard and carefully rebent them into an L shape using a screw driver to put pressure in the middle as I folded them upwards (which made them too short to use the connector) and plugged the battery directly into the prongs. It was actually in there pretty good and I shook the control around pretty heavily to see if it would disconnect. It didn't. But just to be safe I opened it back up put a dab of glue there to hold it in place. A type of glue that won't harden would probably be your best bet in case your need to disconnect the battery or replace it at some point.

Kind of a work around/cheater method but my controller is up and running full blast again with no issues. :)

Offline jerkwagon

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Re: DS4 JDM-020 Mainboard Damage
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2016, 10:08:36 AM »
I had this exact same problem, i actually just used crazy glue (didnt have a hot glue gun at the time) and soldered the 2 contacts back on.. no problems.


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