Author Topic: Few Questions from a newbie.  (Read 2331 times)

Offline W1ngBoy

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Few Questions from a newbie.
« on: November 30, 2016, 03:03:02 AM »
Hi guys, been doing a lot of research the past couple of days and I'm looking to get involved in modding as it looks like a great past time. I'm looking to make a few controllers a month and sell them off for some extra cash. (I live in a difficult area to get alternative controllers so I'm not stepping on toes)

So here's where I am at. I've taken apart both Ps4 and xbox one controllers. They have all gone successfully. I just have a few questions before I really get into it

1. Where does everyone get their parts from? . Is it cheaper to buy the PCB's or is it cheaper to buy controllers? And what

2. One of the biggest things I am struggling with is the thumbsticks. By far the most common issue with controllers would be stick drift. So this breaks off into several sub questions.
  • Does anyone know what causes stick drift?
  • When replacing thumbsticks sometimes there is new issues. Whats the process to check that the thumbstick is working? I know that there is something you can do on PC to check offsets or something similar.
  • Another feature I would like to offer is thumbstick tension so it is similar to the xbox 360 tension. Is anyone aware how to do this? I have a couple of thumbstick modules lying around and before I go tearing them apart I might as well ask on here!

I'm sure I'll have lots of other questions but these two are the most important right now.

Any help is appreciated thanks.

EDIT: As a little sidenote (This may fall under where to buy the parts). Where can I get my hands on a domed thumbstick for the next gen consoles? I cannot find the dome style sticks anywhere!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 03:06:51 AM by W1ngBoy »

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Re: Few Questions from a newbie.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 11:33:52 AM »
1. order parts and PCB's from Ebay china in bulk for the best price. I am not sure how to answer the second part of this question. do you mean is it cheaper to by mod chips vs premodded controllers? then yes, chips are cheaper as there is no labor @ 50$ per how which is what I charge.

2. A. Stick drift is caused by the cheap mechanism inside the controller.
2.B. there are new issues. I am not as familiar with PS but Xbox controllers calibrate the sticks on the initial startup one controller stick may or may not work in another controller without drift. RDC has made a offset chip that can be wired in to reset the offset and fix the drift issue for Xbox but it involves cutting traces and soldering to the trace. hope your skills are up to par.
2.C. I am not aware of a way to do this without causing further damage to the stick and causing drift issues.

there are literally thousands of sticks on ebay. I just ordered this for a friend's controller:

Offline W1ngBoy

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Re: Few Questions from a newbie.
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2016, 01:30:36 PM »

2.B. there are new issues. I am not as familiar with PS but Xbox controllers calibrate the sticks on the initial startup one controller stick may or may not work in another controller without drift. RDC has made a offset chip that can be wired in to reset the offset and fix the drift issue for Xbox but it involves cutting traces and soldering to the trace. hope your skills are up to par.

Quite far from it up to par! Without using the offset chip is there a way to get it working first time everytime or is it trial and error of just replacing the module until you get one that works?

Also is there a way to check it does not drift without going in game?


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