Author Topic: Bluetooth Boombox (WIP)  (Read 2466 times)

Offline Crumbz

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Bluetooth Boombox (WIP)
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:52:14 PM »
Hello Acidmods!

I recently acquired alot more free time to tinker, and thought i would try and create one of my projects i started.

So basically this project was started about 3 years ago but i never got around to finishing it and thought now would be a great time to finish it.


- Bluetooth/Charging Module (Salvaged from EBT1100 Bludio Speakers)
- 3800mAh 5v = 3.7v Li-Po Battery
- 3" TangBass Subwoofer
- 1/4" thick FoamBoard

I will be building a custom housing for the equipment out of Foamboard insulated with 5 coats of Krylon clearcoat on the inside and 5 coats of black krylon paint on the outside with a final 2 coats of clearcoat for looks. (i chose foamboard because its light, cheap and easy to work with)

Currently i am waiting until i get all the materials needed to begin uploading photos.


- Soldering Iron (15 - 60 Adjustable Wattage)
- Rosin Core Solder w/ Flux (32 gauge)
- Desoldering Braid
- Magnet Wire (30/26/22 gauge)
     + I will be using all three for various button remaps and wiring

Stay tuned for updates coming soon!

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