Author Topic: R2 mapping to potentiometer  (Read 2289 times)

Offline turnkey

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R2 mapping to potentiometer
« on: May 22, 2017, 10:51:31 PM »
     I am about to start a project where I would like to remap the R2  or L2 to a remote potentiometer to mimic the functionality of the original trigger.  I mainly just need verification that my schematic is correct.  In this schematic I am using a standard remap board without the 2R mapped.  If anyone knows where I can get a remap board for a JDM-001 that has the 2R and 2L mapped please let me know.  Lastly,  in this schematic I am using the pot as a voltage divider.  If the ground on the pot will be a problem I can use it as a variable resistor.


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