Author Topic: PSP Go Controls Pinout Help/ Trying to turn into a USB to attach to my Phone  (Read 3682 times)

Offline SourOneTonSoup

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Hey guys I trying to basically take out the bottom slide out a psp go, and convert it to a USB to attach it to my phone. Maybe 3d printing slimmer case but keep the front faceplate. Here's some 3d models I mocked up

I found the thread for the PSP pinout project using a MCP4251 digital potentiometer to the joystick and and a ATmega168 micro controller for the rest of the controls. The goal there was to get a PS1 controller working on the psp

Main problem is the pin out connector on the PSP before the GO are easy and look like this.

And on the Go it doesn't seem so simple and i cant find a pinout yet

Anyway guys this is my first true DIY electronics but pretty tech savvy and think can manage flashing the chips and soldering and what not on a bread board.

My main question is, can it end up being small 2 chip solution +1 for USB? Or will it start getting to crowed for what i want to do?

Any tips on chips I should use or links to pages that have the program scripts to flash like what i'm going for?  Or the PSP Go Control Pinout Best Resource I found on the subject I've come across

« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 03:36:42 AM by Rodent »


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