Author Topic: Since Viking appears dead....  (Read 2198 times)

Offline Wolfiesden

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Since Viking appears dead....
« on: June 30, 2017, 09:07:10 AM »
Where are yall getting controllers or mod boards (I can solder) for XB1 now?  I have had Viking's 360 controller for years and like it.  Looking for similar for the XB1 (Probably the Berserker).  Whats the equivelant?

Not looking just for rapid fire.  Want full macro capability.  Preferably with additional tac switches.

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Re: Since Viking appears dead....
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 09:45:35 AM »
Forgot to mention, Not really interested in Cronos as it seems cludgy and from what I read, eliminates the ability to use the controller headset/mic (which I use a lot).  Unless I am mistaken on that aspect, but I don't think I am.

Offline Brian 503

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Re: Since Viking appears dead....
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2017, 05:41:42 PM »
There are look around for headset use on the CM. U will just have to research what headsets are compatible or what accessories u will need. I don't think u will be able to get any neserkwr chips but u can still get the ragnarok chips I believe. Your best bet is to try to reach out to members in Viking and see if they want to sell there neserkwr controller. That or ebay. It sucks I loved Viking and hated seeing them close shop. I just like good old fashion mod chips and all the soldering/ wiring that goes with it. Now it's all about usb sticks that do everything. Don't get me wrong the CM is a powerful tool and can do almost everything a neserkwr can and a lot more a neserkwr can't if that makes any sense.

Offline Wolfiesden

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Re: Since Viking appears dead....
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2017, 03:14:36 PM »
The headset I use plugs into the controller (actually the chat pad).  Not wireless.  And from what I read the chatpad is a no-go too.  On top of that it turns a perfectly working wireless controller into a wired and inconvenient cludge of wires across the room.  USB cables are limited in length.  I have a big plasma screen and lay on the couch across the room.  Last thing i need is a wire strung across the room to trip the old lady.  We had that with the original xbox and PS2.  Not going back there.

Frankly the Chronos is not what I am looking for.  All it does is remap buttons or rapid fire best I can tell.  NOT what I want.  I want the extra TAC switches like I got on the 360.  I believe it works with the new elite controller but then I need to buy another controller so add that to the cost.

Lookin to run this in ESO.  Being able to run a programmed sequence from the TAC using animation canceling the light attack with additional skill casts is what I wanted.  So it would simulate a LT pull, wait a set number of MS and then press (X) to cancel the animation of the LT and which would proc the skill immediately.  I can do this manually but its tiresome after a while.

Other times there are skills other players use you can proc on (usually pressing (Y) and (B) at the same time) again having to take fingers off controls to do that.  Easier to drop onto the second TAC.

Frankly I just don't see whats so great about the Chronos.  Removes chatpad use.  Removes headset/mic use.  Forces you to string wires across the room.  And doesn't add any new buttons.  And the up-side is?

IF I could get a rag chip, how would I get a login to their app website with them having zero support now.

Feel a bit like a dunce.  Neserkwr chips?  Google didn't even find that one.

Offline Brian 503

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Re: Since Viking appears dead....
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2017, 07:09:11 PM »
Ragnarok don't have any forge apps. It's just a basic controller with built on mods like rapid fire, turbo knives ect. It also has a built in remapper on it so u can wire up to 4 remap tac switches. U can remap any button presses even trigger presses. There's adjustable rapid fire settings 10 classes all together u can make and save. There's also all the auto sprints, auto breath and more mods. I just have to be comfortable soldering to install theses chips. It's defenantly not a project for people who have never nodded a controller. On the Viking web site they have the chips for sale in the diy section and instructions on how to wire and install the chips and how to use the mods. This will give u all the Mic options your looking for also u can run multiple mods at once 4 to be percise.

Well just checked Vikings website and there all sold out but here's another mod chip that's just like the ragnarok and u can add two tac remap switches.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 07:14:11 PM by Brian 503 »


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