Author Topic: Help with blown Elite Controller  (Read 1461 times)

Offline JoeBrennan

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Help with blown Elite Controller
« on: September 25, 2018, 06:09:40 AM »
I have an Elite Controller that has a blown diode D22. Can anyone help me identify the bits D22, Q6 and Q7?

I've worked out that D22 is a SOD-323, but which variant? and Q6/Q7 are SOT-23 but again which variant?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Help with blown Elite Controller
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2018, 05:03:53 AM »
Closest matches I've found for Q6 and Q7 is they are SSM3J328R (KFH marking) or AO3415 (AFXX marking). I haven't found a cross for the ones marked 34P yet, but they are all pretty much the same thing, just seem to be P channel FETs.

D22 is marked D2, and you'll probably find that info about as much help as I did when looking for what it is. From what I've tested and checked here, it's a SOD-323 package and just a Schottky diode, something like the CUS10S30 or anything similar should work fine in there.

Q6 and Q7 might be alright, as D22 is across the Drain/Source connections of Q6, and if D22 is shorted it will also look like Q6 is shorted. I'd remove it and recheck Q6 and Q7, unless there is some damage to them that can't be made out in the pic there.
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