Author Topic: XBOX ONE Y Axis Value Calibration  (Read 3183 times)

Offline TheCodeZone

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XBOX ONE Y Axis Value Calibration
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:10:44 PM »
So I recently changed out my Xbox One Elite controller analog sticks to a Battle Beaver custom analog stick with 110 grams of tension. However, after doing this it seems that the value of my Y axis analog got messed up. However it doesn't look like a stick drift issue, it doesn't slowly go from like 0 to 4 like like a normal stick drift example would show. It more like automatically snaps back to 4 right after the thumb stick is released. A better example is shown in the pictures I attached.

Battle Beaver actually warns about this before buying from them. As stated below:

Be aware, when controllers are built new from Microsoft, the X and Y-axis values are calibrated to the specific board they are initially installed on. Installing these sticks on a different board could cause your values to change by an undetermined amount, we are not liable for any issues caused by the re-installation of this hardware.We recommend the use of a computer aided program such as a CronusMax, or other controller software to view your value offsets. Furthermore, we suggest placing the potentiometers from the original mechanism on the newer ones, and ensuring that the mechanism is as flat as possible on the board when installing.

I would be okay to only adjusting the dead zone sensitivity but this only fixes the issue so much. What I am wanting to know is: Is there a program to calibrate the internal Y axis programing of the controller for use with the XBOX ONE? Can the CronusMax internally set the Y axis of the controller, as to where I can use my controller with the USB plugged into my computer?

Note: I have seen the built in controller calibration that is included in Windows 10, but that only workS for PC and doesn't transfer over to the xbox one.

Offline RDC

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Re: XBOX ONE Y Axis Value Calibration
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2019, 01:29:55 AM »
The only ones that can recalibrate the thing is M$, and I'm sure that was factored into the 100 million dollar design cost of the stupid thing.

You have an issue on the X and Y axis with the thing off that much, as changing or messing with them will often do that. The only thing you can really do is desolder and tweak the POTs to get them closer to center.
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Offline TheCodeZone

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Re: XBOX ONE Y Axis Value Calibration
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2019, 09:20:02 PM »
How might I tweak the pots?

Offline RDC

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Re: XBOX ONE Y Axis Value Calibration
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2019, 01:51:01 AM »
Desolder all 3 leads of the POT.

Unclip it from the metal housing.

You'll see 3 small posts in the corners of the POT. These keep it fixed in place while it's mounted to the metal housing.

Use an Xacto knife or razor blade and cut those 3 small posts off. Do NOT cut the clips off the sides, just the 3 small posts in the corners as those clips are needed to hold the POT on the the metal housing.

Now when you clip the POT back onto the housing, it will have a little bit of 'play' in it where you can rotate it left or right, before soldering it in place, that can be used to tweak it back so the center value matches what the thing was calibrated to. It may take a couple of tries to get it.

NOTE/WARNING: Go easy on the desoldering and soldering as to not tear up the pads for the POT leads, as the soldering is what will be holding the POT aligned in place since the posts have been removed.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.


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