Author Topic: ps4 power supply problem  (Read 3320 times)

Offline Daywalk3r

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ps4 power supply problem
« on: March 19, 2020, 12:11:18 PM »
Hi everyone, recently I bought a PS4 slim 2208b with a problem - it doesn't turn on. when you press the power button - the console immediately turns off. I have the same working console, so I connected a working power supply - ps4 turned on. Therefore, problems with the power supply. After that, I disassembled the power supply (board model N160A006P) and found swollen capacitors. replaced them with those that were at hand (the original ones will come in a month) - ps4 still doesn't work. After a little diagnosis, I found that the 5v line is normal, the problems are with the 12v line, after pressing the power button. I measured the resistance on the connector 12v - 13kom.

Measuring various elements and comparing them with the readings on the work board I found a mismatch. After I pulled out a 10k resistor, the resistance still remained 148Ohm.

I think this is a problem place, the only thing I would like to ask is how to find an element that gives such resistance?
many thanks for any advice)

Offline Daywalk3r

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Re: ps4 power supply problem
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2020, 01:42:06 AM »
Hi to all. Maybe this is not a very interesting topic, but I’ll write what was the cause of the malfunction, since I did not find such malfunctions on YouTube (just only burnt mosfets, resistors). The reason is this chip. between 10 and 11 pin was short. after removing the chip, the resistance returned to normal.

Offline Lukasnova

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Re: ps4 power supply problem
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2020, 05:38:05 PM »
hola, tengo un problema explotaron 2 cosas el chip hr1001c que gracias a las fotos que publicaste lo puede identificar por que en mi ps4 no quedo nada, y exploto creo que es un diodo junto en la entrada del pin 9 del hr1001c, el D105 me podrias decir que es y que valores tiene para poder comprar y reemplazarlo, desde ya muchas gracias, queria subir una foto de como quedo pero no se como hacerlo, el motivo de la explosion es que no se usaba la play y en su interior habia mucho insectos y caca produjo la el corto y la explosion.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 05:45:32 PM by Lukasnova »


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