Author Topic: Pulled up LB Pads changing tactile switch, please help  (Read 758 times)

Offline Nick_Sparkle

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Pulled up LB Pads changing tactile switch, please help
« on: March 21, 2020, 12:06:37 PM »
Repaired a few of these now no problem and got a bit :censored:y, rushing it, and ive pretty much pulled up all 4 pads where the tactile switch goes on the board. I cannot see for the life of me where the track is to run a wire or put some conductive copper over the whole with a nit of solder (Think this would be the best ortion?) The Board is 1697. any help with a pic would be great showing the tracks. ive :censored:ed up a couple of these now ripping the pads up, only just started repairing them for a bit of experience. My boys break them for fun! Thank you in advance for any help
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 12:35:06 PM by Nick_Sparkle »


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