Author Topic: Xbox One Controller joystick not responsive between 55-85%  (Read 1005 times)

Offline InternetC

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Xbox One Controller joystick not responsive between 55-85%
« on: August 21, 2020, 07:13:35 PM »
I've installed a joystick and noticed something peculiar.  It's only on the right joystick.  It responds like normal between 0-55%, but once it hits around 55% on either axis, it doesn't respond well (slows to a stop pretty much) and when pushed further, it jumps to around 85%. Between 85-100% seems fine.  I've tried multiple known working joystick and that's not it so I'm pretty baffled.
I tested the controller before working on it, and think I recall something being funny, but I think at the time just attributed it to being the pots.  My memory is bad, but pretty sure it's an existing issue.
Also tried another main board (the one with the joysticks) and it was working fine.  So it's something to do with this board.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 07:18:24 PM by InternetC »

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Re: Xbox One Controller joystick not responsive between 55-85%
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2020, 07:21:36 PM »
I'm so dumb, it's an elite controller, and I just realized it has the programming to a "smooth" sensitivity curve.  Lol!  Disregard.


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