Author Topic: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well  (Read 1079 times)

Offline CptChronic

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Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« on: October 14, 2020, 02:44:26 AM »
Im looking to get an xbox one mod made for the new controllers that are about to be released, my main dream is to have one that is connected to a mobile app which allows the user to change settings and customise the mod any way they want.  Fully remappable and connected to buttons on the rear of the controller that you can map to any button on the controller.

This is not something im looking to get done for cheap, i want you to do your best work and i will pay you well for it.

Please get in touch if this is something that interests you.


Offline wickated

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2020, 04:29:23 AM »
so u want for someone to write program for arduino with bt shield. nice lol.

Offline CptChronic

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2020, 05:20:11 AM »
I dont understand whats funny about that? Please explain. i thought a few grand would make that a worthwhile i wrong?

That is just the top end of what im wanting, if its too hard or cannot be done then thats fine, what can be done instead? Ive got a few codes already but am looking for an upgrade now and have lost touch with my previous coder.

Offline RDC

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2020, 04:13:07 PM »
You want something done for a controller that isn't released yet. So how is anyone supposed to be able to know anything about that controller and what might need to be done in there?

A mobile app to remap buttons on a controller that you have to hold to use anyway. I really can't even wrap my head around how that is useful in any way, shape or form. That is seriously like having a wireless remote to start your car, but you have to go outside and put the key in the ignition before you can go back inside and press the wireless button to start it. You would have to pick up the controller to turn the thing on to even start that entire wireless remapping process, and at that point you may as well press the buttons you want remapped on it and you'd be done and gaming long before you fired up the app on the mobile device and got the thing to connect. Furthermore there, you're going to be gaming before you decide exactly what button works best where back there, and with your proposed setup, then you're going to stop gaming, put the controller down, pick up the phone and go thru all that mess when you could just do it all right there on the controller 100 times faster and in most cases be done before the game reloaded.

I might be biased, because I have made remappers for the 360, XB1, DS4 and Nintendo, but using anything other than the buttons that are already on the controller to remap the back buttons is just adding complexity, lots of cost and then time to make and also maintain it. A more simple design will beat that mess any day of the week, and multiple times over when you actually have it in hand and are using it in game.

Now, if you're talking about making a Macro type of controller, then that's a whole other animal and then having some kind of external way to program all of that mess makes sense, but you may also as well tell everyone you're beyond lazy and want the controller to do all of the button mashing and sequences that you can't spend the time to practice and pull off like everyone else has to.

I'm not bashing on on you here, but that idea is just seriously not logical or practical from any standpoint at all for a remapper, and for a Macro controller it's a massive project, been there done that on the 360 before and for just one person to pull that off on any next gen controller would have their work, and probably want multiple large checks, cut out for them.
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Offline wickated

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2020, 06:37:54 PM »
huge thanks for explaining all of that obviousity. my eng is too bad to write as describeful as you did.

Offline CptChronic

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2020, 03:56:59 AM »

Thanks for your input RDC, I get what your saying, you have made some valid points there.

Im trying to get ahead and find someone before the new controller comes out so we can be ready for release and start work as soon as we have one of the new controllers.

I was wanting a macro controller, not as you describe though. Everything would be saved to the mod chip so you only need to go onto the app if you want to make a new setup. For example, let's say it has 10 modes saved to the mod chip, they would be there every time you turn the controllers mod on and scrolled through a button combination but if you wanted to add or remove mods you could then go into the app and swap things around.

The Remappable buttons would be done on the controller, for example by holding the extra button until an led flashes then tapping the desired button to Remap.

Yes it's a lazy way of doing things, I understand that. It just makes life easier and thats what people want. I have more basic mods and they're great but I'm just trying to step things up a level. I knew it was a big task but didn't realise it would take a group of people rather than just one. Back to the drawing board I guess.

Thank you for your input anyway, it has helped. I'll create a new post asking for a more simple mod as that's all I really need. Yes it's early but I want to get everything in place so we're ready to go when release date hits. I'm hoping the controllers aren't too different but if they're anything like the elite series 2 which is what I'm expecting, what I have already will not work.

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2020, 04:41:03 AM »
That's pretty much exactly how any Macro controller works, including what I described. The PC or whatever side that controls things is just for setup. The one I worked on had 5 slots. One person could do it, but that person would have to be proficient at the hardware, firmware and software levels and is either going to charge you an arm and a leg, so then using that kind of controller might be warranted, or they have absolutely nothing at all better to do with their time and money and want the challenge of it.

You can line up as much as you want, but then you'll find out that it's not going to be near enough, especially not having any idea what the hardware will be like. Then you start letting feature creep get in there and it'll never get done or blow up into a real nightmare that no one wants to finish and then no one else will touch to complete it because it's so far down the rabbit hole you'd disappear if you jumped in.

It took 2 of us around a half a year a decade ago to do the CGnome for the 360, which would basically be semi easy to pull off on that controller now that we have basically months of experience doing just that one and worked out most of the issues already as well as a decade more of learning other things along the way. Viking had one for the 360 as well that was very software driven and I'd all but guarantee you that he would tell you that thing cost him a pile to develop as well.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 05:52:08 AM by RDC »
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline CptChronic

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2020, 04:22:06 AM »
Ah no way, I never realised you had made the CGnome, respect! Sounds like one hell of a job, what stopped you from carrying it over to the XB1?

Yes I get what you're saying, maybe I was thinking too big. I was just wanting to step things up a level. I have a good budget for this job but I'm guessing we're talking over 10k for something like that? I think I'll just stick to the mods I use now and get a new one of the same type created for the new controller when released. I've just got to find someone capable before hand so we're ready to start work on release date.
Feature creeper is a big thing with these I know but I tend to keep things pretty simple, although the mods I have created do have the best features of the mods around now, the way it's setup and used is simple so people love them.

I'm trying my best it learn it all myself but I don't think I'll be ready for the release of these new controllers. I'm getting closer every day though I guess.

If you or anyone you know would like to create one or guide me through the process please let them/me know, I will pay a good amount for what I need.  Thank you for your input so far, you've set me straight on a good few things and really helped alot  :victory:

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2020, 03:39:31 PM »
Time, life, other projects and naturally the cost, we did it all ourselves back then as mainly a challenge, it wasn't for mass production and it never caught on anyway. Also the fact that it was a massive bear to install, so there are only 2 or 3 of them in existence, and 1 of them just sits here now.

That level of interfacing with the controller is a right chore since every input had to be severed to get between them and the existing MCU in there. For more of a straight Macro only controller like the Viking one was you can just tap onto all of the input lines in there and end up only needing half as many connections, but that type of controller can't do full remapping like that CGnome could. The Macro side of the CGnome was lacking but it was tossed in as an afterthought since it was designed from the start to just be pretty much 100% a remappable type of controller. You could make Right Stick Up be the X button, LT as DL, DL as DU, every button is RT, all kinds of stupid could be done on that thing as everything but Guide, Start and Sync were remappable. Then tapping Sync cycled it thru the 5 different maps it had with a 6th one being a fixed stock setup, so it could be configured as technically 6 different controllers in one.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline LethalPrime

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Re: Anyone looking for some work? Will pay well
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2020, 03:41:53 AM »
The new Xboxes are going to be cross generational for accessories so if someone really wants what you?re describing they'd realistically just buy an Elite V2.

As far as ps5 is concerned, hate to break it to you but Chinese and European companies already have the jump on you because they have the console In hand and are already working on accessories and attachments.

That includes Extremerate, they've already posted what they're working on for ps5 and xbox series.

Ive seen the inside of the ps5 controller, it's pretty much a jdm-055 stretched upwards to accommodate the "new" trigger system and a similar anti friction ring that the Xbox elite controller uses. (Probably licensed the Microsoft patent)

I put new in quotes because they pretty much took the way 360 triggers worked and squeezed it down and made it sideways and added rumble for artificial "adaptive" feedback. 
« Last Edit: October 17, 2020, 03:48:06 AM by LethalPrime »


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