Author Topic: Dualchock 4 does not turn on, does not charge, after repairing the potentiometer  (Read 727 times)

Offline Fazer

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Good day! Tell me what could be the problem? The situation is as follows. The potentiometer has deteriorated. I replaced it neatly. I was guided by the video ( But I noticed that the solder is refractory and I used a liquid flux and a hair dryer with a temperature of 430 degrees. After I replaced the potentiometer, assembled the Dualshock 4 (jdm-040), it stopped turning on and charging. Is it possible that I overheated the board and something went wrong there? I heated locally with minimal air flow (almost close to the legs) and I doubt that something could float, but I do not exclude it. Take a look at the photo (I replaced the upper left potentiometer, or on the right side in an inverted form of the board, the solder legs are shiny).

« Last Edit: July 24, 2021, 02:08:50 AM by Fazer »

Offline zis2104

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Clean solder point, and watch flex of usb.


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