Author Topic: JDM 055 stopped working after L/R analog replacement. Missing components.  (Read 682 times)

Offline happiness4u

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Hi guys. I tried to replace the analog sticks of my controller. Suddenly it stop working or somehow dead. No response or anything, not even charging as well. I noticed some smds are missing, but i could not find the missing parts if it really fell off. What are these missing components do? Will these can be the cause of the controller being dead?

Offline RDC

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R50 thru R57 and C62 all deal with the expansion port. Those missing could keep it from powering up, not really sure about that. I'd look for other missing components also, as those are harder to knock off than some of the others around the sticks there.,44645.0.html
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline happiness4u

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These are the components that are actually missing. I dont know what are the values of those or what kind of resistor/capacitor can I use to replace them. Can i use a non smd type to replace them? Is there a way to just jumper things? Sorry for these stupid questions. I'm still trying to learn the basics.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 02:19:14 AM by happiness4u »


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