Author Topic: Modding xbox one controllers to have face buttons press from any angle?  (Read 707 times)

Offline Newsplash

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Has this been done before? I have been trying to find a way to make my controller more consistent and the biggest inconsistency has been these off axis button presses that never register as a button press. My carbon contacts are all okay and i've even tried a new membrane for the face buttons, but nothing seems to work properly. I also tried filling the inside of the button with tape to try to get it to press down properly but that's not working either. This has been really noticeable on the A buttons of my controllers, and it happens consistently on my elite series 2.

Are these controllers all destined to not press unless you're pressing straight down on top of them?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 09:56:38 PM by Newsplash »

Offline VaNDAL_UK

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Re: Modding xbox one controllers to have face buttons press from any angle?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2022, 03:32:08 AM »
I've had the same issue before on some controllers.

1: replaced L16a IC
2: removed all resistors from the signal line on the A button.
3: jumpered the A button signal wire direct to the the L16A IC. Also new line to ground.
4: used Tape, Hot glue and larger carbon pads in the button.
5: coated the carbon contacts is high quality sliver paint. Also filling in the gaps on the carbon track.
6: give it the finger.

Some conrollers are just :censored:e with the A button. The other buttons are not great eithers.

Luck of the draw tbh.


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