Author Topic: Issues fitting hall effect sensors to Microsoft Elite 2 custom labs controller  (Read 4000 times)

Offline Bmhalleffect

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Hi there,

I bought some hall effect sensors with the intention of fitting them to my Microsoft custom labs Elite 2 controller. Fitted them and the sensor input is going crazy, tested on hardwaretester and on the xbox series x. The input is going all over the place and constantly

The hall effect sensors were purchased from aliexpress and I also see the exact same ones listed on eBay, all claiming to work with the xbox Elite series 2 controller.

Just for reference I have been fitting normal potentiometer style sensors for years now, must have installed around 20 in total, all being successful - so I don't belive it is related to my skill level or experience.

I am wondering if it could be something else... maybe because its a custome labs controller, I don't know. I also have a suspicion they simply don't work with xbox controllers either way (even though they are listed or made for xbox elite 2 controllers).

Wonder if asnybody has any input on why the sensors are going crazy. All other buttons seem to be working fine, all lights, switches etc, just the hall effect sensors.

Thanks for any help or input.

Offline RDC

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Any Elite 2 controller is still an Elite 2 controller, as places aren't swapping out the guts of them.

No idea which ones you bought, but if they also work on the DS5, then they should work on the 1797, as both boards run at 1.8v there for the sticks. DS4 boards run at 3.2v for the sticks. Pull them and put the POT style back in and make sure the controller hasn't gone all goofy, but looks more like the things either need to be calibrated or they aren't getting the right voltage to work right.
Screwing up is one of the best learning tools, so long as the only thing you're not learning is how to screw up.

Offline blinkerss

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i also had the same problem when try to replace my 1914 analog with hall sensor, i can only find one successfull xbox analog hall replacement video, but its for xbox early version (1537 maybe?)

so maybe the hall analog dont work with new model?


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