Author Topic: BDM-020 LS / touchpad issue  (Read 986 times)

Offline wesman112

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BDM-020 LS / touchpad issue
« on: February 18, 2024, 11:16:36 PM »
Hello all, I've run into an unusual problem after replacing some joystick modules on a Dualsense BDM-020 board. After replacing the modules and calibrating the new sticks with varistors, both joysticks are functioning normally again. However, whenever the touchpad is used to move a mouse cursor around, the left joystick registers movement all the way down and to the right. I'm familiar with the expected voltages on the pots, and they appear normal, so I am not quite sure where to look next to pinpoint the source of this issue. Any insights would be appreciated. Thank you!


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