Author Topic: Modding Basics  (Read 12571 times)

Offline jrfhoutx

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Modding Basics
« on: July 05, 2007, 10:34:01 AM »
OK everyone, personally I am getting a little tired of seeing this forum choked with ridiculous questions that could have been answered by using the search function (like I'm sure many of you are). So, in order to cut back on these questions I'm starting a thread with basic information for PSP modding and new modders (mods and admins feel free to add things to this post as you wish. members, contact a mod if there is something you feel needs to be added to this post).


If you are thinking about adding LEDs to your PSP there are a few things you need to know. Use SMD/SMT (Surface Mount Device, Surface Mount Type) type LEDs. Of this type of LED there are several sizes that can be used with no problems and will fit cleanly into the PSP, they are: 0603 (the smallest and most commonly used here at acidmods), 1206 (twice the size of 0603, 0603 x 2 = 1206), 0805, and 0802. Any of these sizes are perfectly fine and will fit and work in your PSP. There are other sizes that will fit and work, however these are the most common.

To purchase LEDs my favorite place is they have the widest selection, some of the best prices, and very fast shipping.

LED Calculators:
Single LED's
Series/Parallel LED's


Yes, you absolutely need resistors in your lighting circuit, and just about every other circuit that you make. Resistors can be placed almost anywhere in the circuit, as long as there is room for them in the PSP in the area they will be placed (obviously). Technically you need a different value resistor for each LED color (since they all oerate on different voltages), however, we have found that for general use a 10ohm 1/2 watt resistor will work with all colors of LEDs you can get these (and any other value resistor) from Mouser as well. If you want to calculate the proper resistance for each color LED that you plan on using then Click HERE and follow the instructions to find out what resistance value you should use.

Shrink Wrap:

This is another necessary item when building a circuit. Shrink wrap will isolate your solder joints from the PSPs circuitry and prevent short circuits and other problems. Try 1/16 inch for wires and 1/8 inch for around the resistors


You can use just about any small gauge wire. Here most people will tell you to use 30 AWG (American Wire Gauge) Kynar wire. It is a single strand insulated wire, it's very thin and is the perfect size for the PSP. However, you can also use magnet wire of the same gauge.


If you are new to modding and want to try some of this stuff out, check out our Wiki. It is very easy to navigate, and since we are in the process of revamping our tutorials there are many pages with excellent pictures and detailed information.
Most requested:

Trigger Mod
PSP Disassembly
PSP Sound Mod
USB Charge Mod

mods and admins: for new posts that are questions which could be answered by this thread, please link to this thread and lock the redirected post.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 11:03:16 AM by simcityltd »
AcidMods Ninja... You won't know I'm there until you're gone...

All of these sigs are from the original acidmods sig comp...  @jrfhoutx  "No respect, no respect at all... that's the story of my life." --


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