Acid Mods Community Area
=> Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: DUKE on August 22, 2008, 03:43:17 PM
Hey guys i just ordered my razor X board and when i get i was going to take pics while installing it and make a long needed tut.
I was just wondering if anyone else had a tut in the making so i didn't waste my time making mine.
Hey guys i just ordered my razor X board and when i get i was going to take pics while installing it and make a long needed tut.
I was just wondering if anyone else had a tut in the making so i didn't waste my time making mine.
I don't think anyone really bothered considering that its pretty much common sense. You just needa know the points to solder too. But yes a tut would be great :tup: Good luck.
PS: What will the tut be for? PSP slim? PSP phat? DS lite? W/e one its for, Shouldn't it be in that section?
I don't think anyone really bothered considering that its pretty much common sense. You just needa know the points to solder too. But yes a tut would be great :tup: Good luck.
PS: What will the tut be for? PSP slim? PSP phat? DS lite? W/e one its for, Shouldn't it be in that section?
It will be for the Fat and I put it in this section because everyone goes here most of the time, and when the hell does the DS lite have a duel nub.
It will be for the Fat and I put it in this section because everyone goes here most of the time, and when the hell does the DS lite have a duel nub.
Since I said. Idk I just remember seeing it somewhere. I know its possible so yea.
The DS has had a nub for a while now. And no, you're going to post it in the PSP TUTS section, or it's just going to be moved for being in the wrong section. Common sense.
teh only tut i could ever find was nicos slim
if ur doing the phat psp razorx nub
then im looking forward to it
teh only tut i could ever find was nicos slim
if ur doing the phat psp razorx nub
then im looking forward to it
There was never a tut for the slim...
There was never a tut for the slim...
to my knowlege there was one
search? look more? perhaps even google can assist
another thing; is the green font necessary, i find it very..annoying
So do I noah, so do I.
Oh and, like, is it really necessary for a tut? It really is common sense really, and there's a BUNCH of pictures floating around the forum of the abxy pinout.
The way I see it, If you need a tutorial for it then you should be doing the mod in the first place. Also, I live the green font
Nice typos XD
:censored: dammit what is with yall
cant someone be sure that he knows whats what
so now im a dumbass cause i wanna use a tut
yall have forgot the whole point of this site then
Oh and, like, is it really necessary for a tut? It really is common sense really, and there's a BUNCH of pictures floating around the forum of the abxy pinout.
Its not even hard to do. Maybe even easier than the sound reactive leds. But a tut would be good because 1. You won't get people asking question about the razor x all the time. 2. It would make the information easier to access. Because, I know the search is there and you can find all the info. But it would be hella easier if it was just in one thread with some explanation on how-to. You shoudln't expect people to just know what to do right away. If there's a tut then the person can choose weather they want to do the mod or not, rather than asking a bunch of silly question and screwing it up anyway. But thats just my opinion. And the green font stays sorry. -.-"
tuts are a good idea and resource.. but again, from what i know there is one that nico did...again, a google search will yield results: wether or not there is one and exactly what it is...
tutorials are essential to this site and assisting people, so i would agree in saying that they are necessary
dammit noah
nicos was for a slim
and will varry from a phat
dammit noah
nicos was for a slim
and will varry from a phat
And there isn't a tutorial released for the slim yet, I just tried searching and found nothing...
dammit noah
nicos was for a slim
and will varry from a phat
dont dammit, me
i didnt see that it was for phat, i imagined slim considering it had been done with that
it will vary from phat, and there is a tutorial, or there should at least be it.. i do remember seeing one
Bud you need to calm the heck down.
no psp i dont
i dont liek it when ppl assume its uber easy
and just because ive done some modding i know how to do a mod from one pic
psp u have been kinda a ass to ppl around here(and so have i at a few posts)
i dont hate u i think ur cool but its annoying man
and sanctus
ur right its not tehre anymore
it WAS but i think it migjht have gotten removed
i remmember telling nico i cant find teh phats dual nub only his slim
no psp i dont
i dont liek it when ppl assume its uber easy
and just because ive done some modding i know how to do a mod from one pic
psp u have been kinda a ass to ppl around here(and so have i at a few posts)
i dont hate u i think ur cool but its annoying man
and sanctus
ur right its not tehre anymore
it WAS but i think it migjht have gotten removed
i remmember telling nico i cant find teh phats dual nub only his slim
yeah i dont like it when poeple assume its easy... it isn't for me.. thats why i'd need a tutorial
Yeah, and I hate it when people put words in my mouth. Show me where I said it was easy, DO IT.
Nowhere do I say it's easy, bud.
I said it was common sense on how to do it. Wire it, cut a hole, glue it. BAM.
That was the Razor2, and his tuts sucked ass.
what about edhel
yea common sence
that still means taht its easy
we have tuts for everything
common sence or not its nice to ahve the tut
hell we have i think 3 dissassembly tuts
its like saying we dont need teh psp soundchip mod for the psp
alot of things on this site is common sence
what about edhel
I already answered that if you just read my post bud. Lol.
And, it's common sense on how to do a lot, sure. This too. But like, yeah I realize it's nice to have a tut. I never said we shouldn't have one. All I was asking was why make one.
Saying something is common sense in no way says it's easy.
i didnt read it i guss i tryed to reply and yea
why are u gonna ask why make one?
2 who cares if i miss spelt it
what r u, a spelling National Socialist?
well a few spelling mistakes is 1 thing, but you are scaring me out ;).
and that green color..... creepy :D
why did my thread turn into a screaming match? I put this here just to let people know i was making one and OF COURSE when i am done i will put it in the tut section or the PSP FAT section.
lolwut why would you put it in the fat section, its for slim. what kind of logic are you basing this on.
Nice, Good luck with the tut, it will surely help out a lot of people who are beginners and wanna attempt the mod. And whoever said that it is easier to do than the sound mod, are you sure youve done it? I found this one of the toughest ones to be honest. It took me over 5 hours to get it done right.
Like I said, this would help a lot of people who wnat to attempt it.
this tut is for the phat
Nice, Good luck with the tut, it will surely help out a lot of people who are beginners and wanna attempt the mod. And whoever said that it is easier to do than the sound mod, are you sure youve done it? I found this one of the toughest ones to be honest. It took me over 5 hours to get it done right.
Like I said, this would help a lot of people who wnat to attempt it.
Yes I have done it. It is harder, but it wasn't impossible especially compared to the slim dual nub mod(which I gave up on xD). All it is is soldering some wires to the traces of the buttons and then soldering those wire to your razor x. The hard parts are getting the nub together and cutting the hole/placing the nub in the psp. Didn't strike me as too hard looking at some other mods around. But a tut would've been great for me to do this mod instead of having to ask a bunch of questions
this tut is for the phat
whoops lol xD
I have done it too, but I have more problems with the fabrications of it, I had hours of trouble fitting it all under the faceplate.