AcidMods Resources ----- ( These are helpful tools for modding ) => Open Source Code & AcidMods Free Code => Topic started by: Modded Matt on December 06, 2010, 08:05:01 AM
12/6/10 this is a re-release of hyper999's PS3 rapid fire. It has been fully tested and proved working on all modles other than the V4 as that board is unavailable to the RND team ATM
a complete download package can be found here:download (
First of all i would like to say a special thanks to
modded matt
who were all involved in the development of this code
and last but not least
RDC for his involvement in the development and his board scans
How to use this code
you can edit the speed of each mode in this code just like in bmu by editing the value of FIRERATE1,2,and3 shown here;
;***** FIRERATES *****************************************************
FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps
;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter
;it here and recompile and reprogram the code
;Example: 1000/4 = .250
change the values to anything from 1 to 255 to suit your needs by downloading the source text file then open in notepad save as a .ASM file.
next open it in mplab and change the values in the code
then recompile by selecting Project> Quick build
finally program the generated hex file into a pic12f683 and install.
When installed to change mode simply tap the tact switch to toggle modes
mode 0 - OFF
mode 1 - led turns on
mode 2 - led blinks twice
mode 3 - led blinks thrice
Coming soon
Rapid fire on r2 l1 and l2
burst fire
updateable settings via serial comms
then who knows what else
What We Need From You
bug reports
information on what speed suits what game
I am not responsible for any damage caused to yourself or your console or your controller by installing / using this code
reserved for board schematics
does this work on black ops?
yes, it does. Not as well like mw2 but works
Hmmmm...... i must be doing something wrong..... as i have tried both on vx4 and the msup4.05 and neither works....
i know the vx4 problems are still the same but i cant find out why my msup4.05 isnt working... checked the wires and all....
i think u have done something wrong, but please go and read the top line ofth thread. everyonehas stated there is no change in the operation of th v4only relocation of test points. send me your controller and i will verify or fix it for you and send it back
reserved for board schematics
hi the v4 dose not work
Got all this installed and up-and-running, but in this version of code, should there be issues with the LED lighting? e.g., faintly lit when off, off for Mode 1, Solidly lit after Mode 3... that kind of thing? Or, did I get my wiring reversed?
btw, this entire setup with making my own PIC serial programmer and programming and wiring WORKED on the first attempt. Great vault of info here.
Quick question... Is the LED wired the same in all controller versions?
as far as i'm aware yes, though i'm not very aware as it were. on the pad where it wasnt working have you tried both sides of the led?
... have you tried both sides of the led?
Not yet. I'm at work, so I don't have my PS3 to link up.
But, when I press the PS button, the 4th LED doesnt flash along with the others--will try the other side of the LED and report back.
hmmm.... try it although it sounds like on whatever board version you have the led is switched differently and the code will need editing.
I used an external led.
recently i got some money and finaly decided to but a new controller hopefully with 4.0 board and make a video and pdf of the process of all my steps. and i do trust my soldering skills and my hacker ability to try to make a clear video and pdf. and if i dont run into any trouble on the 4.0 bard then i can officialy say that it does work for the 4.0 board. It may just be that most people trying this for the first time are getting these new controllers and may not have experience on these. so i will make it a goal within the next week to document every process.
im new with the codes, but how can i change the speed to
FM----15 sps
SM----10 sps
TM----5 sps
im new with the codes, but how can i change the speed to
FM----15 sps
SM----10 sps
TM----5 sps
You have to open the .ASM file in MPLAB and change the firerates
read the origional post, namely this part:
How to use this code
you can edit the speed of each mode in this code just like in bmu by editing the value of FIRERATE1,2,and3 shown here;
Code: [Select]
;***** FIRERATES *****************************************************
FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps
;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter
;it here and recompile and reprogram the code
;Example: 1000/4 = .250
;**********************************************************************change the values to anything from 1 to 255 to suit your needs by downloading the source text file then open in notepad save as a .ASM file.
next open it in mplab and change the values in the code
then recompile by selecting Project> Quick build
finally program the generated hex file into a pic12f683 and install.
recently i got some money and finaly decided to but a new controller hopefully with 4.0 board and make a video and pdf of the process of all my steps. and i do trust my soldering skills and my hacker ability to try to make a clear video and pdf. and if i dont run into any trouble on the 4.0 bard then i can officialy say that it does work for the 4.0 board. It may just be that most people trying this for the first time are getting these new controllers and may not have experience on these. so i will make it a goal within the next week to document every process.
Any updates?
Did you test this code on the vx4.0?
read the origional post, namely this part:
How to use this code
you can edit the speed of each mode in this code just like in bmu by editing the value of FIRERATE1,2,and3 shown here;
Code: [Select]
;***** FIRERATES *****************************************************
FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps
;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter
;it here and recompile and reprogram the code
;Example: 1000/4 = .250
;**********************************************************************change the values to anything from 1 to 255 to suit your needs by downloading the source text file then open in notepad save as a .ASM file.
next open it in mplab and change the values in the code
then recompile by selecting Project> Quick build
finally program the generated hex file into a pic12f683 and install.
thank you. is working perfect on MW2
thank you. is working perfect on MW2
What speed do you use for MW2? 10 or 15?
What speed do you use for MW2? 10 or 15?
FIRERATE1 equ .40 ;25 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .20 ;50 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .100 ;10 sps
25sps and 50sps work online???
Anything on vx4?
im sorry i dropped off the radar for the last 5 months, and i havent been able to touch or even resolder my v4 or v3
wondering what others are still having problems with em or not?
Anything on vx4?
im sorry i dropped off the radar for the last 5 months, and i havent been able to touch or even resolder my v4 or v3
wondering what others are still having problems with em or not?
if you are talking about the motherboard MSU_VX4_009Bottomrevised2.jpg, my works plus i have another controller too
25sps and 50sps work online???
not really this is an illusion, anything over say 25 confuses the controller and causes studdering, but once you get high enough, the controller will see everyother pulse, so peploe say yea, use 50, butt he controller sees 25sps.
After donating my only VX3.5 to AskaCapper, I have a VX4_0.10 that came with the PS3 I used for testing. Since no one has investigated this 'issue' I decided to download hypers code and try it out.
It works exactly as it should, except for the LED. The LED is backwards:
Mode 1: on
Mode 2: off
Mode 3: blinks then off
Mode 4: blinks twice then off.
I am soldering it to the side of the LED that is not the common (toward the bottom of the controller). I looked through the scans of all the different versions, they all seem to be same. This is not a big deal as the code can be changed to flip the LED output.
As for the RF signal: It works just fine. I had it under the scope for an hour. I pressed R1 as hard as I could. No issues. I dont have a game to play for hours to test R1, but I will keep testing the contorller every day for awhile to see if I can get this 'lock-up' situation to occur that others have reported.
I am using the analog stick power source. If you people keep using the rumble pad, you will regret it. The motor is a major power draw, and is still susceptable to reverse current when the motor shuts off. Its a very noisy power source and it WILL make the PIC puke itself eventually.
I am very surprised. When I hooked this up, I expected to see something wierd. Maybe something different between the VX3.5 and this VX4.0, but they are exactly the same. The power source measures the same. It takes the same load without problems. The pulse train for the buttons is the exact same. No matter what I did, I could not see a single thing wrong under the scope or in the game. I have no idea what everyone keeps saying that the VX4.0 does not work. Since every single controller version operates the exact same electrically, I highly doubt there are some VX4.0 that are diffferent than other VX4.0s (and different than all the other versions as well).
For all of you reporting problems, I have more doubt about your install/PIC programming than with this code.
As far as I am concerned, I have just confirmed that this code works on the VX4.0.
PS: has anyone else wired directly to the LED as shown in the pictures and had teh LED behave the way its supposed to (as opposed to how I described it above)?
After donating my only VX3.5 to AskaCapper, I have a VX4_0.10 that came with the PS3 I used for testing. Since no one has investigated this 'issue' I decided to download hypers code and try it out.
It works exactly as it should, except for the LED. The LED is backwards:
Mode 1: on
Mode 2: off
Mode 3: blinks then off
Mode 4: blinks twice then off.
I am soldering it to the side of the LED that is not the common (toward the bottom of the controller). I looked through the scans of all the different versions, they all seem to be same. This is not a big deal as the code can be changed to flip the LED output.
As for the RF signal: It works just fine. I had it under the scope for an hour. I pressed R1 as hard as I could. No issues. I dont have a game to play for hours to test R1, but I will keep testing the contorller every day for awhile to see if I can get this 'lock-up' situation to occur that others have reported.
I am using the analog stick power source. If you people keep using the rumble pad, you will regret it. The motor is a major power draw, and is still susceptable to reverse current when the motor shuts off. Its a very noisy power source and it WILL make the PIC puke itself eventually.
I am very surprised. When I hooked this up, I expected to see something wierd. Maybe something different between the VX3.5 and this VX4.0, but they are exactly the same. The power source measures the same. It takes the same load without problems. The pulse train for the buttons is the exact same. No matter what I did, I could not see a single thing wrong under the scope or in the game. I have no idea what everyone keeps saying that the VX4.0 does not work. Since every single controller version operates the exact same electrically, I highly doubt there are some VX4.0 that are diffferent than other VX4.0s (and different than all the other versions as well).
For all of you reporting problems, I have more doubt about your install/PIC programming than with this code.
As far as I am concerned, I have just confirmed that this code works on the VX4.0.
PS: has anyone else wired directly to the LED as shown in the pictures and had teh LED behave the way its supposed to (as opposed to how I described it above)?
1. LOL
2. Thank you
3. Yes the LED is backwards on some, when I wrote the code I was wrongly informed that the LEDs are setup the same on all boards but I have discovered since that this is not the case so it needs a 50% dutycycle like the 360 version does.
Over summer I was gonna make a new version of this code with a beefier PIC and use a timer for delays in order to simplify the code... but my PS3 killed itself.
Hazer, you are the man!! I used an external led when testing this, and to be honest I felt like I was cheating on my wife when i had that awful ps3 controller in my hand so I didn't spend alot of time with it.
Yea tell me about it matt. I am currently working on some code, but between a 75 mile each way drive, and spending time with my fiance, I don't get too much time to code. I got the bulk of my code done a couple of weeks ago, she was busy studying for big exams.
So I have read through the X-S forums PS3 PCB scans thread, and also been through quite a few install guides from a bunch of different mod shops. Everything is saying that all of the different controllers are common anode for the LEDs. Unless someone can prove me wrong. If not, then I would suggest flipping the bits that blink the LED output in the code and recompile.
FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps
hey guys i tried editing this hex using mplab but i always get a "gun jam except firerate1
i edited firerate2 and 3
my set up looks like this
FIRERATE1 equ .125 ;8 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .100 ;10 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .083 ;12 sps
cant get this work like i said firerate1 works fine FR2 and 3 dont work right they work the first few shots which do fire RF style then the gun jam on cod blk ops
what the hell am i doing wrong
ps the sps were just to test if i could edit the code
Sounds like the PS3 games get capped just like the X360 ones do. I wonder if there is just cause to test duty cycles.
Hey there matt could you give me a diagram for wiring that external led up? cheers
Hey there matt could you give me a diagram for wiring that external led up? cheers
I´m not sure but I think you only have to wire to + of external led instead of led in the pcb and the - of external led to - from pcb
I have this code in pic and solder it to x3 controller. The light changes fine but there's no rapidfire at all. I know how to solder very well.. Can someone send me a hex file that works on a PS3 controller now 2011. I see this started years ago. Have done the xbox360 ones worked Great.. Put I can not get PS3 rapidfire to work at all. My son would love for me to make a PS3 one that will help him kill more people.. ha Ha
Sorry to bump an old topic, but it seems to be the most relevant.
Does anyone have any idea how to implement a drop shot mod along with this?
Sorry about new messages on a old thread, but i was wondering if you can adjust the .ASM File in MPLab so that this code only has 1 mode, pretty much click to turn on the 1 mode and click to turn off. Im not sure if I could just Delete 2 Firerates in MPLab and only leaving 1 in the same area you adjust the fire rates. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
hey standard85 pretty sure you have to change the goto so it would not go from mode one to mode two. might change command to skip last two modes
work great with mw3 :#1:
FIRERATE1 equ .121 ;8 sps
FIRERATE2 equ .100 ;10 sps
FIRERATE3 equ .63 ;16 sps
is it possible to create a code, to add two additional mod "drop shot and burst" on ps3???
is it possible to change the code to a "drop shot" while pressing R1 and place eg over pin 7 to TP38 (circle) for the RF mod drop shot with and Dropshot without RF????
Guys, is there anybody who have tried this code with the new board?
hyper in my humble opinion, we should work more in this code, i could help testing controllers
Help! I need a diagram of this code for the DS 3 V4 , plz help ASAP ! Thanks
Guys, is there anybody who have tried this code with the new board?
hyper in my humble opinion, we should work more in this code, i could help testing controllers
try this
I've swapped all "LED" opcodes from bsf to bcf and vice versa to get the LED "off" when mode1 (off) is set, and on when mode 2, 3, and 4 are set. HEX and asm files are included. I've tested this on my Six Axis controller as well as my VX4 controller.
Download: (
CMX, your code works great on my controller. I had the same problem, the led was lit when it was off and it flashed and went off when the RF was on, this code fixed the issue.
I was also having a problem with the RF with the original code. The rapid fire would work unti I switched guns then it would no longer work, almost like the timing got out of sync. With this new code it appears to be working fine.
I had same issues with old code with the rapid fire.
I tried this new code CMX on the oldest board the non shock one.
I don't think the code works for that one lol. Didn't make it work unless the chip wasn't programmed right. But the LED still kept been on when the mod is off. Off when its on a mode.