Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: Sammy on September 01, 2011, 02:16:22 PM
Hey guys, my friend wants me to put rapid fire on his controller. he said he will pay me alot if i can do it. And i dont have any idea at all on how to do it, Can you list some basic things and info i need to do it, Thanks Sammy
Soldering iron with a decent tip (mine is an Antex)
Solder (I Use 7mm lead free)
Drill (if you are installing tactile switches)
Glue Gun (Ditto, but is usefull for securing wires to the board and it's not perm)
kynar wire (I use 30awg)
Drill bit
Dremel or sand paper I use when installing a tactile
A bit of insulation tape is always useful
You could get a PIC programmer (costs a bit) or you could buy a kit from ebay
Also if someone is willing to sell you a pre programmed chip on this forum, you could do it that way,I could send you a chip if you live in the UK.
Standard RF components:
PIC (PIC12F683)
A few resistors
tactile switches
I personally install PIC holders but they are not necessary
Take a look through the Acid Mod Free Code List, ask your mate what he wants
Cool, i have everything on this list, but kynar wire, and a PIC. but i dont live in UK, ill prolly buy one from a member hear though. Thanks for replying
Cool, i have everything on this list, but kynar wire, and a PIC. but i dont live in UK, ill prolly buy one from a member hear though. Thanks for replying
Just buy a decent amount of wire, as it is cheap and is used in basically every mod.
I could send one to you but it would take about 2 weeks to get to you and you don't want to wait that long.
or you could build a programmer for around $10USD from this site.,22283.0.html
or you could build a programmer for around $10USD from this site.,22283.0.html
that only works with really old computers i would suggest buying a pic kit witch are made by microchip if you are uk i suggest buying from farnell
I got a JDM programmer and a Serial port for my computer and btw you can't just use a usb adapter. my setup works fine
cost about £15
that only works with really old computers i would suggest buying a pic kit witch are made by microchip if you are uk i suggest buying from farnell
My computers not but a year old and works just fine . dont know what you mean by really old computers?
not all pc/macs have serial ports so if his don't have one or anyone else don't have a serial port has to use a usb programmer
thx for the link famas
If you have a computer u can fit a serial port! they only cost £5 and you can't use a serial to usb adapter as they don't work!
If you have a laptop basically nothing you an do about it you need a usb one
and I only built my PC a few years ago and I am running a serial programmer just fine!
If it is a Matrix, then it is just a piece of wire and a button. That is, if you only want one mode, and have to puch another, Rather Annooying, Button. haha.
If it is CG or CG 2 though, it needs a PIC and a bunch of soldering. You could also do this to a matrix.