Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) => XBOX 360 => 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers => Topic started by: Porkyfied on April 29, 2012, 07:31:22 AM
Hi i was wondering if anyone has a picture showing the led traces for a CG2 controller?
wish i had a better pic of the traces, but this is what i made off RDC scans, due to i had some CG2 Traces that were messed up , sorry for the delay been busy hope this helps out...
I don't mean to gravedig, but I had to fix 2 terminals the other day, and after research I also realized there are no trace pictures of cg2 board's rol for some reason. They're very easy to visually trace, however. I didn't see your trace pictures Rodent until just now, but you're right. Luckily, I got both to work on the first try, and I've never fixed a trace before.
wow, how did you damage both leds?
flood the LED with solder to remove. dont be afraid to bridge the connections. Below is a video, but I use more solder, the trick is to heat both led pads at the same times and it will "float" right off the pads, then a quick swipe across the led pads will clean any excess solder off the pads.
"TUTORIAL" Lammas Video Led floataion (
wow, how did you damage both leds?
flood the LED with solder to remove. dont be afraid to bridge the connections. Below is a video, but I use more solder, the trick is to heat both led pads at the same times and it will "float" right off the pads, then a quick swipe across the led pads will clean any excess solder off the pads.
"TUTORIAL" Lammas Video Led floataion (
I used to use a big blob of solder to remove them, and I loved that method, but I just got a new soldering iron with a fine tip and it's very hot. Solder doesn't stick directly to it very well, and I found that melting both sides of the LED by switching off between them rapidly removed the LEDs very easily and quickly.
I've never had this happen before until this new soldering iron. This method tends to leave very little solder on the contacts, so I add more to them after the LED is removed.
I've repeated this on another controller, and none of the contacts were damaged.
I used to use a big blob of solder to remove them, and I loved that method, but I just got a new soldering iron with a fine tip and it's very hot. Solder doesn't stick directly to it very well, and I found that melting both sides of the LED by switching off between them rapidly removed the LEDs very easily and quickly.
I've never had this happen before until this new soldering iron. This method tends to leave very little solder on the contacts, so I add more to them after the LED is removed.
I've repeated this on another controller, and none of the contacts were damaged.
here is a video i made a whole ago. nearly a year i believe. (
btw, what i do when i have a messed up trace is use the trace repair pen from radioshack. just scrap the trace and draw over it.
I use 30 awg wire to repair the trace , connect to the led scrap the solid point of the trace where it ends and connect the wire to that. reason i made that pic of RDC it was so people could see and i tried to reverse the Rol so it would go backwards wiring the diffent led to a different trace hard to explain i guess,
which it changed the Rol the way it goes in a circle not in reverse...
I've replaced the LEDs to 10+ controllers without problems using the exact technique as the videos you two posted. I was just posting how I fixed the traces after what happened when trying a new technique with a new soldering iron, and my success at fixing the lost contacts. I now know that the blob of solder technique is safer, this was just my first attempt at a new technique, which I learned how sensitive the contact are, especially with a very hot soldering iron.
This thread is about fixing traces, not how to remove LEDs, there's plenty of threads and thousands of videos for that lol. Now I feel like you guys are acting like I've never done it before and teaching me how to; maybe I should have clarified that in my post.
btw, what i do when i have a messed up trace is use the trace repair pen from radioshack. just scrap the trace and draw over it.
Wow, that's a very cool looking product, and useful in many situations. I wasn't going to spend $20 on fixing this 1 controller, but I'm glad to know something like this exists.
I use 30 awg wire to repair the trace , connect to the led scrap the solid point of the trace where it ends and connect the wire to that. reason i made that pic of RDC it was so people could see and i tried to reverse the Rol so it would go backwards wiring the diffent led to a different trace hard to explain i guess,
which it changed the Rol the way it goes in a circle not in reverse...
I use 30awg wire for all mods, the insulation slipped off and I didn't care lol. Ahaha that's a funny idea, but I can see why you got that result instead of what you wanted.
the player one trace in the photo is not corrrect.
The via you show for player 2 isactually player one. player 2 is just below where you show it (under the player one led)
can someone updated the pic please?
the player one trace in the photo is not corrrect.
The via you show for player 2 isactually player one. player 2 is just below where you show it (under the player one led)
can someone updated the pic please?
just a sec
thanks for rdc for the scans
here is one i just made
CG2 LED Traces
The other controller versions can be seen here - (
CG2 LED Traces
The other controller versions can be seen here - (
thanks rdc. i posted mine as you were posting yours lol
yep, much better.
Damn I missed that by a mile
Damn I missed that by a mile
old age is kicking in...