Ok guy i have used search i cant find it, i saw the page before but now i cant... Please can you give me some links from where i can either buy it online or off this site. I would greatly appreciate if yo found it on amazon.com, or ebay because my DAD dosnt believe in random sites he thinks its dangerous giving out creditcard info on random sites. He only like uses amazon, ebay and some other reallt well known site. AND PLEASE PLEASE tell me some stores i could buy it from also if my dad decided not to buy them off the internet. I am trying to get 4 0603 LED's 2 on the triggers and 2 on the (up,down,left,right pad) and the (triangle,circle,square,and X pad). And most of all i am trying to get the 30 AWG magnet wire (enemel coated) or whatever you use for the trigger mod and the resister you need for the trigger mod. PLEASE HELP ME OUT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!