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However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...
okfirst the ds top screen, go check the topic "A guide for Ds top screens"and dont remove the touch screen cuz it dosnt need to come outsecond yes it willthird i cant thibnk of anythird(again) uhh no you have to take the whole thing in peices and you can just put the top on by just rominvg 4 screws
Sadly, the Triwing screwdriver -can't- take out the cross screws, meaning I had to spend literally 1 hour scraping the screws apart until they were able to be pulled out.
O_O Agreed with Kicks. Don't you have a Phillips screwdriver lying around somewhere? Was it really necessary to take them out with a triwing screwdriver?
Robin I r sorrieez.
so it's like half white half gold? that's pretty cool