I completely messed up my DS Lite motherboard. The two essential fuses are missing, along with their soldering pads, the power switch has come off, and I tried soldering in a new one. I messed that up too, of course, and pretty much all of the soldering pads are gone. However, I'm still crazy enough to believe that I might, just might, be able to fix it. And at the same time, I wish to mod the thing (just a bit.).
The only mod I wish to perform is this one:
How to Fix DS Lite Power Button With Tactile SwitchWhere can I buy a tactile switch like that one? If it's on Amazon, then please give me a link. Now, I know I can bridge the fuse pads by soldering a wire to bridge the gaps, but mine tore off. If I solder it as is, will it still work? If not, then how else can I bridge the gaps? Also, what's the best soldering metal that I should use in this situatuion? And where can I buy it? I'm going to need a full tutorial for this and a full list of supplies, so....please bear with me :P