Author Topic: pod2G: iPhone Dev Team And Chronic Dev Team Will Work Together on Untethered iOS  (Read 2328 times)

Offline Frosty

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Yesterday, iOS hacker pod2G provided more details about the untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 in the form of an FAQ.
He revealed that the exploit he had used to perform the untethered jailbreak relied on a developer account so it can't be released publicly.
He has just revealed in a blog post titled "Sandbox difficulties" that other members of the jailbreak community such as MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev team and planetbeing who had ported Android to iPhone, have joined him to figure out a way to release the jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 users.
He writes:

@planetbeing, the legendary hacker behind iPhone Linux and lot of jailbreaks (see has joined the A5 research!
The famous @MuscleNerd (, the leader of the iPhone Dev Team, who did a lot of tests for Corona and whom integrated it and made it simple in redsn0w is willing to help also.
And last, but not least @p0sixninja (, the leader of the Chronic Dev Team, and my partner for years on iPhone security research has started to code and fuzz the Apple sandbox.
We now have a dream team to find a path for a public release of the A5 jailbreak.
Cross your fingers.
It is good to see members of the iPhone Dev team and the Chronic Dev team are working together on the jailbreak. Let's hope they figure out a way to perform an untethered jailbreak on iPhone 4S and iPad 2 that can be publicly distributed.
We’ll let you know if there are any further updates so stay tuned here at iPhone Hacks or join our Facebook Fan page or follow us on Twitter or  subscribe to our RSS feed.

As for what i have to say on this topic is ''Iphone just got even more amazing"


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