Author Topic: The story of a DS  (Read 2084 times)

Offline rceckspurt13

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The story of a DS
« on: July 30, 2008, 12:50:23 AM »
ok so my brothers ds started having problems early on in its life. First the L and R buttons BOTH stopped working. You could get it to respond sometimes if you mashed them really hard. This was unfortunately right after his warranty had ended. Therefore Nintendo wanted to charge us an arm and a leg to get it fixed. We decided it wasn't worth it and my brother put it up in his closet, Hoping to play it again someday.

So a year or so later my dad forced him to clean out his closet. Guess what he found amidst all the clutter? Nothing other than his old broken ds. Unfortunately things had only gotten worse for the ds during its time in the closet. As you know the top screen on a ds is really easy to break. Well guess what had happened to his? Yup, the top screen broke.

So now by this time my brother had moved on to bigger and better things. He had gotten a slim psp for Christmas that year. Needless to say, he probably wouldent have played his ds again anyway, even if it was still unbroken. 

So the moral of this story is that even if your ds is broken, don't throw it in your closet or you might make it worse.

Ok now that I have entertained (or bored) you with this story, its your turn to help me. I would like help finding a tutorial on how to dissassemble a ds. I also need one for how to replace the top screen. One on how to fix the buttons would be helpful too.

Btw I'm usualy posting over in the psp section so I'm sorry. I thought all you Nintendo fans might enjoy a nice story. All help is appreciated. Thanks.

PS. Its the original DS not the lite.
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Offline Timmy

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Re: The story of a DS
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 05:37:54 AM »
Rocky's N-Mod Site is a great place for most of this

Disassembly (ignore the modding part if you want):

As for the triggers they will be a tactile style switch

a two or four pin one will do, it doesn't matter, just solder it in the place of the old one using two pins that connect when the button is pressed, doesn't matter which way around as they are not polarised, unfortunately i couldn't find a ds phat shoulder buttons on n-mod.

As for a top screen its not that hard really, once you have your phat disassembled, simply take the old one out of its connector and put a new one in (ebay for these, and the switches or a local tec store)

sorry if my answers are a bit vague but i dont have a phat for more detailed info contact Aricado with a pm or wait for him to post here, hes the phat man one these forums :D


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