Author Topic: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!  (Read 14160 times)

Offline EliteGamer83

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"PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« on: April 16, 2009, 07:11:21 PM »
These are my own custom plans NOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope to do this PSP PLEASE!!! do not steal my images/ideas...  :boxed: What do you think? I will need some help extending my LCD cable... Alien, how much would you charge? like would $15 be good.... I can't afford much more I don't have any sources of money at all so once I spend my current amount that's it for along time  :cry2:

« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 07:16:55 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline alentris

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 07:41:03 PM »
1 problem is that the ds screen size is alot smaller that the psp, unless you plan on creating your own hinge/casing

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Offline treemty

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2009, 07:44:05 PM »
no offense...but that really ugly...why do you need an iternal keyboard for psp...why do you need a keyboard for psp period?

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 07:53:09 PM »
1 problem is that the ds screen size is alot smaller that the psp, unless you plan on creating your own hinge/casing

LOL well oh DUH (I mean that in a friendly matter, not calling you stupid or anything please don't give me a -) oh course I will get my jigsaw and cut out the correct screen size.

And tree, I technically DON'T need a keyboard and the PSP technically doesn't need such a high res screen or a joy stick or a USB port or TWO speakers or a UMD drive.. etc but yet they still have it lol

I just think it would be really neat. I mean there's not point to adding LEDs but everyone still does it you know what I mean?

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 07:56:15 PM »
O.O I can tell those are you pics bad photoshoping on the 360 chatpadinto the psp and -.- a ds top on the psp

Quote from: Jumbo
I herd you like stealing quotes ey?

Offline treemty

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 07:56:34 PM »
yeah, that is true
your gunna need a programmer

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 08:08:14 PM »
O.O I can tell those are you pics bad photoshoping on the 360 chatpadinto the psp and -.- a ds top on the psp

I'm an extremely good photoshopper this was just a quick job..  :eyebrow:

yeah, that is true
your gunna need a programmer

For what? the 360 chatpad?

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 08:36:43 PM »
OMG I don't know where to start... First of all, extending the screen will cost WAY more than 15. Unless Alien has some sort of FPC extension that fits perfectly with the LCD, he will have to solder it manually (correct me if i'm wrong), and tbh, soldering that many pins on the ZIF, and THEN to the actual LCD, will take quite some time. Plus shipping. Then again, Alien is quite skilled, but the effort involved is definitely worth more than 15. 2nd of all, you will need to get rid of the motherboard to fit the chat pad internally, and I seriously doubt you'll be able to do that without adding bulk. Another thing is that I doubt the DS flip thing will fit the PSP that perfectly, and also extending the LCD AND having it flippable will definitely be hard.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but not gonna happen.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 08:50:06 PM »
elite all i can say is good luck this will give u a hard time guarantee...

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2009, 10:38:19 PM »
I have to say.  I have had several really weird ideas, and it turned out that they were just not feasable in real life.  But then again, Ben Heck does some really bizarre stuff to 360s, PS3s, and other things.  Of course, they were meant to run the way they were built, but with enough creativity, and the right skills and tools, you COULD do it.  Just like with my home row LED mod.  WHY do it?  Because I can, and to show that things others thought were impossible, lack of space or what have you, ARE possible, with the right effort.

But I have to agree with some points and disagree with others from the previous posts:

AGREE:  It would be a pain to solder an extention for the LCD ribbon.  I have done stuff like that before, and I really dont enjoy doing it.  It is MUCH harder than you would expect.  I would not be surprised if Alien would charge at LEAST $50 for something like that, maybe more.

AGREE:  Fitting the bottom part of the DS console to attach to the PSP, would take quite a bit of cutting, and melting or screwing the plasic cases together in some spots, and would not be very sturdy in the end.

AGREE:  Getting the hinge to work without bending the case to the point that it would break, would be kinda hard, unless you have a hinge that is well greased.

DISAGREE:  I actually think that if you COULD pull it off, it would not be as ugly as you think  The only other guy I know that did it, had used a screen armor case and split the PSP parts in two places to get them where they were.  It did not shut right, but if it COULD have, might not have been too bad.  Your design looks better, but its just a DESIGN.  Getting from concept to product, is NOT a small task.  I am still working in designs to do case mods for my phat, but every time I think I have solved a problem, I find something wrong with the solution, so I have to go back to ground zero.  For a first concept, its not all that bad, and if you could pull it off, might actually look pretty good.

DISAGREE:  Sure, PSPs were never designed to need a keyboard, but when your trying to type a message on the PSP in the internet browser for you email or something, SURE, its a pain in the butt to navigate to each letter, than have to hit that key so many times to get the right one.  A keyboard would be great, but that programming is something even beyone MY level of expertise.  Not something I would even like to poke into.  I dont know how thick the parts of the chatpad are when taken apart, but I doubt they are as thin as the thickness of the LCD screen and faceplate combined.  But if you dont mind some molding, and lots of mess, you could probably make it fit.

There are plenty of alignment and thickness issues to take into account.  But if your serious about doing this, take your time, draw out LOTS of diagrams, and take LOTS of measurments.  Measure EACH part 50 times, whether you think you will need the measurement or not.  It will REALLY help you out along the way.  Dont overthink things either.  That will start getting you confused, and you could end up doing something that you THINK will work, but when you get it all together, that ONE thing, causes EVERYTHING else to NOT work properly, so take your time.  If you wish to persue this, I will keep my eye on it, and help you with what I can, within reason.

Offline Blazinkaos

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2009, 10:46:00 PM »
yea i believe its possible but one person by them self no offense elite doesnt have that much knowledge to attempted this. if it where to be done i t would be couple ppl helping with the modification of this.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline folklord36

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2009, 05:12:12 AM »
You have to credit him for being ambitious that's all he has goin for his favor ATM in this project, but hey that may be all it takes good luck bro.

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2009, 05:40:28 AM »
I have to say.  I have had several really weird ideas, and it turned out that they were just not feasable in real life.  But then again, Ben Heck does some really bizarre stuff to 360s, PS3s, and other things.  Of course, they were meant to run the way they were built, but with enough creativity, and the right skills and tools, you COULD do it.  Just like with my home row LED mod.  WHY do it?  Because I can, and to show that things others thought were impossible, lack of space or what have you, ARE possible, with the right effort.

But I have to agree with some points and disagree with others from the previous posts:

AGREE:  It would be a pain to solder an extention for the LCD ribbon.  I have done stuff like that before, and I really dont enjoy doing it.  It is MUCH harder than you would expect.  I would not be surprised if Alien would charge at LEAST $50 for something like that, maybe more.

AGREE:  Fitting the bottom part of the DS console to attach to the PSP, would take quite a bit of cutting, and melting or screwing the plasic cases together in some spots, and would not be very sturdy in the end.

AGREE:  Getting the hinge to work without bending the case to the point that it would break, would be kinda hard, unless you have a hinge that is well greased.

DISAGREE:  I actually think that if you COULD pull it off, it would not be as ugly as you think  The only other guy I know that did it, had used a screen armor case and split the PSP parts in two places to get them where they were.  It did not shut right, but if it COULD have, might not have been too bad.  Your design looks better, but its just a DESIGN.  Getting from concept to product, is NOT a small task.  I am still working in designs to do case mods for my phat, but every time I think I have solved a problem, I find something wrong with the solution, so I have to go back to ground zero.  For a first concept, its not all that bad, and if you could pull it off, might actually look pretty good.

DISAGREE:  Sure, PSPs were never designed to need a keyboard, but when your trying to type a message on the PSP in the internet browser for you email or something, SURE, its a pain in the butt to navigate to each letter, than have to hit that key so many times to get the right one.  A keyboard would be great, but that programming is something even beyone MY level of expertise.  Not something I would even like to poke into.  I dont know how thick the parts of the chatpad are when taken apart, but I doubt they are as thin as the thickness of the LCD screen and faceplate combined.  But if you dont mind some molding, and lots of mess, you could probably make it fit.

There are plenty of alignment and thickness issues to take into account.  But if your serious about doing this, take your time, draw out LOTS of diagrams, and take LOTS of measurments.  Measure EACH part 50 times, whether you think you will need the measurement or not.  It will REALLY help you out along the way.  Dont overthink things either.  That will start getting you confused, and you could end up doing something that you THINK will work, but when you get it all together, that ONE thing, causes EVERYTHING else to NOT work properly, so take your time.  If you wish to persue this, I will keep my eye on it, and help you with what I can, within reason.

Thanks I never actually was thinking on attempting it but I was thinking about it... I mean yeah it would look better with a PSP case lid but Iwanted something that would give a more sealed look all the ay around and not just "closed".

Thanks folk I may attempt this sometime in the future, I mean it sure is a cool idea.

I actually do ALOT better at cosmetic "mods" then electrical ones. lol like case mods and stuff... I think my big problem I will run into if I even try this is funds and soldering the LCD...

Oh look YAY! not one.. not two,, not THREE.. but FOUR! MORE negative's!! YAY!!

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 05:55:24 AM »
Hey cool idea I love it!!

Hope to see it working eventually dude.

Offline Blazinkaos

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 09:35:50 AM »
ill bow to you elite once this is done in the future

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline ndru98

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2009, 04:40:13 PM »
Try asking folk_lord for some ideas.
He made one, not very pretty, but he made one.

It'd be pretty cool if you got it to work though.

Offline Blazinkaos

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2009, 04:41:50 PM »
oh yea it wasnt bad but still worked and all..

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline HellReborn

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #17 on: April 20, 2009, 09:47:13 PM »
well folklord wasn't the only one that attempted the laptop psp idea
this is my crappy version which i took from the pictures that was on this forum

it looks different now. i cut off the edges by the screen.

so people don't keep asking i never got a tutorial or anything i just used pictures and my imagination.

it took me a little while to figure out what exactly he did but i think i got it. pm me for ideas so i can add to my project laterz


ps. found newer pictures

guess whats behind it

last one for now...

i have black tape around it to make it blend in more now.....
« Last Edit: April 20, 2009, 09:56:17 PM by HellReborn »

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2009, 10:54:53 PM »
mm its almost a clean job u never found way to fill the button holes

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 07:43:04 AM »
Yea good job, I was sorta thinking about using the PGP for this but I wanted mine to be different.

Also did you use PlayGearPocket? or the PGP slim version?

Offline HellReborn

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 07:32:23 PM »
Also did you use PlayGearPocket? or the PGP slim version?

im not sure what you mean and i should add that i have not finished soldering the keyboard lazyness..... i hope to finish this weekend with it. and definately clean it up much more i plan to make another because this is just a prototype.

spelling error

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 08:20:27 PM »
im not sure what you mean and i should add that i have not finished soldering the keyboard lazyness..... i hope to finish this weekend with it. and definately clean it up much more i plan to make another because this is just a prototype.

spelling error

I meant what case did you use for the top part.

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2009, 06:56:24 AM »
Nice job man Im working on a new one too instead of the logitec thing im useing a joytech sun visor that screwes into the top and I extended the LCD cable with a FFCand put speakers in button holes its lookin real nice will be a nice clean finish except for the hole for the dual nub is like way too big lol.

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2009, 08:31:58 AM »
Nice job man Im working on a new one too instead of the logitec thing im useing a joytech sun visor that screwes into the top and I extended the LCD cable with a FFCand put speakers in button holes its lookin real nice will be a nice clean finish except for the hole for the dual nub is like way too big lol.

What's a FFC?

And where's this "Sun visor" thing?
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 08:33:37 AM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline HellReborn

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2009, 10:19:19 AM »
yeah im not sure what it is called but ill find you a picture

i guess it was playgear hmm

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2009, 10:35:46 AM »
well folklord wasn't the only one that attempted the laptop psp idea
this is my crappy version which i took from the pictures that was on this forum

it looks different now. i cut off the edges by the screen.

so people don't keep asking i never got a tutorial or anything i just used pictures and my imagination.

it took me a little while to figure out what exactly he did but i think i got it. pm me for ideas so i can add to my project laterz


ps. found newer pictures

guess whats behind it

last one for now...

i have black tape around it to make it blend in more now.....

It doesn't look as if you extended the LCD

I've been thinking of doing this mod myself, and when I was looking at a broken LCD i have, I saw that you may be able to do this without extending the screen cables.

That is the Joytech Sun Visor. All it does is screw into the top and cover the front. I can see how this would be easier to attach to the PSP, since it just screws in place :D

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2009, 10:38:27 AM »
hmm that is interesting and pretty cool thanks!

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2009, 11:14:26 AM »

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2009, 07:02:33 PM »
oo thats nice but it could but think about that visor can twist so you have an issue there unless u figure out like those one laptops that have a screen that can also turn. if you manage to figure out how that had that done and do it to the psp that would be cool.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline folklord36

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Re: "PSP Laptop" idea, plans... Alien_X please view!
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2009, 07:26:39 AM »
One problem I see, look at picture 6 from the left. It's angles weird.

well thats cus its for a phat PSP but its modeled on a slim in those pics. onn a phat it fits flush.

oo thats nice but it could but think about that visor can twist so you have an issue there unless u figure out like those one laptops that have a screen that can also turn. if you manage to figure out how that had that done and do it to the psp that would be cool.

I was gona do that with the one im working on but you would pretty much have to put all 30 pins on a separate wire and I already have it extended with a single FFC but its a good idea I wanted to be able to do it.


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