oh ok,
hey btw, off topic. How come you never get on MSN anymore?
Been too busy!We have a special instant messenger for our college designed by the IT students and I usually use that if I'm IM'ing at all!
Oh man i get a ton of homework from college. Whast degree you going for ryan. sorry its off topic but curious.
Business and Commerce in Japanese,I come out with a degree in business,a degree in Japanese language AND a degree in foreign relations Japanese.Three degrees in 5 years!
What have you been doing?
I know off topic so here's some on-topic stuff:
Wiring the batteries together will work,but ONLY if you do it correctly,let's say you're using 3 batteries.Wire the + to the + and the - to the -,this will stack the amps without bringing up the voltage.You will have to salvage the circuit between the charger connector and the battery obvoiusly,because the charger doesn't directly charge the battery in most cases.If you put this into consideration,20 minutes extra work wiring the batteries gives a much better result than just running it from the outlet.